Parish Council meeting

The next meeting of Thrybergh Parish Council will be on Thursday 3rd April 2025 at 6:30pm in the Parish Hall.

Can members of the public wishing to attend please inform the clerk prior to the meeting

Remembrance Sunday Service at Thrybergh Parish Hall

Thrybergh Parish Council would like to thank all who attended the Remembrance Service held at the Parish Hall and Cenotaph on Sunday 10th November.

Special praise must go to Revd. Helen Terry and Revd James Gould of St Leonard’s Church for their inspirational service and for Liz Bentley for providing the keyboards during the service and Jennie Ogden for playing the cornet at the Cenotaph ceremony.

It is so important that we give thanks to all who have served and those who continue to serve our Country.



The Dalton and Thrybergh Ward Bulletin

This is published monthly by RMBC, if you are interested in receiving a copy please sign-up by using the following link:

Sign up to the Dalton and Therybergh Ward Bulletin


Jack and the Beanstalk Banner


Returning by Popular Demand. This years pantomime will be the ever popular Jack and the Beanstalk. The Pantomime will be hosted at Thrybergh Parish Hall on Saturday 14th December the doors will open at 1pm . Tickets are £2 for adults. Children are free. The pantomime is for Thrybergh residents and put on by Thrybergh Parish Council.


Do you love to read?

Do you have any spare, unwanted or unloved books?

If yes, why not donate them to our upcoming book library so that they can find a new lease of life.

Please bring any unwanted books along to the parish hall and simply leave them in the reception.

We will put them in a bookcase and they will be made available to everyone.

All we ask is that you either return the book when finished or replace it with another unwanted book so that the book stock is continually replenished.


Councillor Surgery

Please Click Here for Ward Councillor Surgery Information


Community Clean Up Events Dalton, East Herringthorpe And Thrybergh

To help, please book in advance by calling:

Michael 07432509987 (all events)

Nora 01709 854088 (Creswick Road only please)

Natalie 07786999856 (East Herringthorpe picks)


The role of the Parish Council

A Parish Council is a tier of local government closest to the people. Parish Councils are generally elected by local people to represent local interests and provide local services. The Parish Council represents and serves the whole of its local community. Each Parish Council is made up of individual councillors who contribute to the work of the council by:

  • Suggesting ideas
  • Responding to the needs and views of the community
  • Representing their constituents
  • Commenting on proposals such as planning applications

The Parish Council works in partnership with Rotherham Borough Council and other local bodies such as South Yorkshire Police and South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive.

The Borough Council has many legal duties to deliver services such as education housing, planning and social services. Whilst the Parish Council has a more limited range of duties and powers it plays a vital part in representing your local interests and concerns.

How do we make decisions?

Your parish council is made up of a number of councillors who meet regularly to make decisions on the work and direction of the council. These meetings provide time for local residents to raise matters of concern or ask questions relating to local issues.

As elected bodies parish councils are responsible to the people they represent – that’s your local community. Attending a council meeting is the best way to find out what we do.

Find the next meeting date and agenda

Where do we get our money from?

Each year a sum of money called a ‘precept’ is collected through your council tax. This money is used by your parish council to improve facilities and services for local people. The Parish council can also apply for grants, loans and receives money from rents and leases.

See our financial information

Get involved

  • Are you interested in helping to improve the quality of life of your community?
  • Do you want to be involved in making important decisions in your community?

If so then come along to a Parish Council meeting and raise your concerns or voice your opinions on matters that affect your local community.