Local news

Remembrance Service at the Cenotaph at Thrybergh Parish Hall

Thrybergh war memorial

Thrybergh war memorial

An Inland 'Lighthouse'

How many Thrybergh residents are aware of the significance and history of our very own unique ‘inland’ lighthouse? Most Thrybergh folk, and certainly the older generation will probably know that the ‘lighthouse’ situated outside the Parish Hall is a war memorial.

This memorial was originally constructed and erected adjacent to the Silverwood Colliery to commemorate the 312 local miners who were killed in the First World War. It was commissioned by the Dalton Main Colliery Ltd and officially unveiled on the 15th December 1923 by the Lord Bishop of Sheffield. Over 400 people paraded from the Colliery to the original memorial site located on a cliff edge near to the old Silverwood quarry. Four bugle players of the 5th Battalion of the York and Lancaster Regiment played at the ceremony as well as the Silverwood Colliery band. The memorial is believed to be unique amongst the many memorials as its design was to represent a miner’s lamp. It was designed by local architect Lieutenant Colonel J.E.Knight.

A decision was taken in 1989 that the memorial would be relocated to its current position as the memorial had been badly defaced and the original bronze plaques stolen. It took 18 months work to complete the move to its current site in time for Armistice Day in 1990. This was no small operation as the stone base is 8 foot by 7 foot and the column 15 foot of rough Cornish stone. Replacement plaques listing the names of the dead from both WW1 and WW2 are now kept within the Parish Hall.

This year is the centenary of the start of World War 1. To mark the centenary Thrybergh Parish Council has purchased two wooden seats with special commemorative motifs. The new seats will be located in the vicinity of the war memorial. Hopefully the motifs will help prompt people using the seats to reflect for a moment upon those local men who made the ultimate sacrifice for freedom.

 Each year our local parish councils conduct remembrance services to remember all those local men and women who have lost their lives or have been injured in conflicts past and present. 

Latest Thrybergh crime statistics

Thrybergh Parish Council – Crime Report December 2024.

Reported Crime – 29 Incidents

Anti-Social Behaviour (3).
Link Road, Park Close & Well Drive

Bicycle Theft (0).

Burglary (4).
Finch Close, Fullerton Close, Rockland Drive & Vale Court.

Criminal Damage (1).
South Vale Drive

Drugs (0)

Other Theft (3).
Park Close, Silver Street & Vale Avenue.

Possession Of Weapons (2).
Arran Hill & Pingles Crescent.

Public Order (0).

Robbery (0).

Shoplifting (0).

Theft From The Person (0).

Vehicle Crime (3).
Park Vale Drive, Silver Street & St Peters Place.

Other Crime (2).
Cross Street & Hargrave Place.

Violence & Sexual Offences (11).
Arran Hill, Cross Street, Fullerton Crescent, Garbroads Crescent, Park Close, Pingles Crescent (4), Thrybergh View & Trough Drive.

All Crimes in Rotherham North in December 2024 – 617.

Anti-Social Behaviour (64)
Bicycle (1)
Burglary (54)
Criminal Damage & Arson (38)
Drugs (19)
Other Crime (22)
Other Theft (40)
Possession Of Weapons (7)
Public Order (29)
Robbery (5)
Shoplifting (47)
Theft From The Person (2)
Vehicle Crime (46)
Violence & Sexual Offences (224)

Compiled 07/02/25.
Information from the Police UK Website.


There is currently a vacancy on the parish council and current members would like to co-opt a new councillor to join them.

  • Are you over 18?
  • Do you live within three miles of Thrybergh or work/have business here?
  • Are you on the Electoral Roll?
  • Are you interested in helping to improve the quality of life of your community?
  • Do you want to be involved in making important decisions in your community?

If you can answer yes to these questions then Thrybergh needs you.

Applications should be made in writing to the clerk giving brief details of why you would be a parish councillor.

Please contact the Clerk if you would like to be considered for the position or need more information.

Community Defibrillator

The Parish Council has recently installed a community defibrillator at the Parish Hall,Park Lane Thrybergh.

In the event of an emergency and to gain access and instructions for use please ring 999.