Meeting Minutes 2024 to 2025

November 2024: Meeting minutes

Minutes of a Meeting of Thrybergh Parish Council, Thursday 7 November 2024. Held At the Parish Hall, Park Lane, Thrybergh.


Councillors G Trickett (Chair), A Martin, J Parsons, B Shaw, T Knapton, J Chambers & N Jackson.

Also Present Ward Councillor M Bennett-Sylvester.

116/24.  Apologies For Absence.

Apologies received from Councillors M Senior and R Thomas.

117/24. Approval of Reason Given for Absence.

Approved: Councillor J Chambers Seconded:Councillor B Shaw
Resolved:  That the councillor’s apologies be accepted by the Parish Council.

118/24. Declaration Of Interest

No Declarations were made.  

119/24. Questions From The Public

There were no questions.

Councillor Ryalls joined the meeting.

120/24. Minutes of the Previous Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 3rd October 2024.

Mover: Councillor A Martin

Seconder: Councillor N Jackson

Resolved: That the minutes of the previous meeting of Thrybergh Parish Council held on Thursday 3rd October 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

121/24. Matters Arising from Previous Meetings of the Parish Council.

The following matters arising were discussed: -

054/24 - Tree Survey in PC owned woodland – Still awaiting quotations and these will be brough to the parish council when received but work is not now expected to commence until 2025.

090/24 Remembrance Sunday – The service will begin at 10:15am before the conclusion at the Cenotaph at approx. 10:50am. The street poppies have now been put up around the hall, Thrybergh Churches and schools and main roads. Poppy decorations for next year will be discussed in the new year.

091/24Christmas Pantomime – Posters are now starting to go up and it has been advertised in the latest copy of the Dalton & Thrybergh News. Bookings are at 38 with 17 adults and 21 children.

092/24 VE Day 80th Anniversary 8th May 2025 – The Parish Council is to commemorate the anniversary with a function at the hall on Saturday 10th May with entertainment provided by Miss Trixie Holiday who will sings a selection of WWII classics, Swing and Jazz. The bar will be open and period style clothing welcomed. It was also requested that VJ Day also be remembered during the event and this will be done.

Mover: Councillor A N Jackson Seconder: Councillor J Parson
Resolved: That the Parish Council book Miss Trixie Holiday to perform at the event

122/24. Police Report.

The August and September crime figures for Thrybergh were presented to the council and for August show Rotherham North at 819 incidents and Thrybergh at 54 incidents with September being significantly lower at Rotherham North 692 for Rotherham North and 30 for Thrybergh.

123/24 New Batter for Parish Hall Defibrillator

It was advised that a new battery had been purchased for the parish hall defibrillator from Imperative Training at a cost of £238.50 with VAT at £47.70 for total £286.20.

Mover: Councillor T Knapton Seconder: Councillor N Jackson
Resolved: That the purchase of new battery from Imperative Training for a total cost of £286.20 be approved

124/24. Correspondence.

The following items of correspondence were made available to the parish councillors: -

YLCA White Rose Bulletin including Training.

Dalton & Thrybergh Ward New from RMBC.

Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter for November

YLCA Law and Governance Bulletin

Letter of Thanks from St Leonard's Church for grant.

125/24. Items of Report.

Ward Councillor Bennett-Sylvester gave his report and began with details of the Our Places fund consultation to which local people can make recommendations for improvements in the area but the closing date for submissions is 17th November.

Community Leadership Fund – the Ward Councillor is supporting projects at Little Lions playgroup, Lost Chord sessions at St Gerards Church and Thrybergh Fullerton school encouraging schoolchildren to cycle to school.

St Leonard’s Avenue – details of the scheme to resurface St Leonard’s Avenue, Finch Close and Bowen Drive we given to Councillors. These were the scheme the Ward Councillor nominated for works and letters will shortly be sent out to residents.

Fullerton Memorial Chapel – the chapel in the Cemetery on Thrybergh Lane has been given a tidy up ahead of an upcoming Remembrance Service and is now a site of a poppy memorial as St Leonard’s looks to provide more outdoor services.

Fosters Site – Planning permission has now been granted allowing for the existing building to be converted to 7 homes and a further 25 new ones to be built. Developers have been asked to contribute to new bus stops, some footpath resurfacing, a new pedestrian island and a contribution towards improving local medical facilities.

Community Pantry – the Community Pantry is now running its winter programme aimed as providing a bag of groceries at a low cost as part of a larger project designed at reducing food waste. by selling excess stock from suppliers and charities.

The chair, in his capacity as Hall secretary, advised that we were seeing a higher number of enquiries for all bookings and the previous weekend had seen a very busy and successful bar function.

Councillor Shaw gave a report on recent YLCA and NALC meetings which included discussions on South Yorkshire bus consultations, Increases to YLCA and NALC membership rates and a presentation from the Merseyside Crime Commissioner.

Clerk attended the Parish Councils Network meeting in Dinnington on Thursday 17th October. Items discussed and presented were the Fly Tipping & Enforcement, Safer Rotherham Partnership (protecting vulnerable children and adults, stronger communities and protecting people from violence and organised crime) and the RMBC Plan for future development of the Borough.

The clerk attended the Clerks Meeting at Brampton Bierlow on Friday 18th October which is a clerks network forum and there was a presentation from RMBC on Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (charging points etc) in the Borough.

The clerk attended the last CAP meeting on Wednesday 30th October. Police statistics for our area were discussed and are comparable with other areas in Rotherham North. As usual, off road and fly tipping remain an issue in Thrybergh and across Rotherham North.

Next CAP meeting will be Wednesday 11th December at Thrybergh Parish Hall.

126/24. Requested by Councillors and/or AOB.

The clerk advised that the national agreement for pay awards made by the National Joint Council for Local Government Services has now been agreed and that clerks play awards for 2024/25 have now been settled.

The Govt has announced that the National Minimum Wage (rebranded as the National Living Wage) will increase from £11.44 to £12.21 from 1st April 2025 which is an increase of £0.77. This will be reflected in our budget for 2025/26.

The Silverwood Heritage Group is again looking to hold the event ‘Remembering Silverwood at Christmas’ (subject to approval by the Ogden Group) with this year being the 30th anniversary of the closure of the coal mine. The event starts at 6pm on 18th December and will feature a Big Screen Tribute Montage, Christmas Tree of Remembrance, Illumination of the Wheel and mince pies, soup and mulled wine.


127/24. Grant Request from Federation Bingo

The staff committee met at 6pm on 3rd October to perform the clerk’s annual assessment. The report was given to council confirming that the clerk was performing all duties with distinction, and this was accepted by full council.

Mover: Councillor A Martin Seconder: Councillor J Chambers
Resolved: That the Parish Coucnil award a grant of £150 towards running costs of Federation Bingo

128/24 CIL Payment from RMBC

The clerk advised COuncil that a Community Infrastructure Levy payment of £1136.07 hhad been received from RMBC which is for the development of a former garage site on St Leonard's Avenue. CIL money is to be used for infrastucture projects and not for the day to day running costs of the Parish Council. any money unspent after 5 years must be returned to RMBC. The Parish Council has 2421 in reserve and this new payment of £1136.07 gives a total of £3558.00. It was requested that Councillors make any recommendations for this fund at the December meeting. It had previously been discussed to put a second plater outside St Leonard’s Church and the clerk will advise costs of this at the December meeting.

129/24. Accounts For Payment.

The Council considered the schedule of accounts for payment for October.

Mover: Councillor A Martin

Seconder: Councillor N Jackson

Resolved: That the schedule of accounts for payment be approved and signed by the Chair.

130/24. To notify the Clerk of matters for inclusion on the agenda of the next meeting.

No items raised.

Date Of Next Meeting

The date of the next parish council meeting will be Thursday 5th December 2024. The first Thursday in January is the 2nd so it was agreed that the January meeting would be held Thursday 9th January.

Closure of Meeting at 7:55pm.

Councillor G Trickett
