Meeting Minutes 2024 to 2025

October 2024: Meeting Minutes

Minutes of a Meeting of Thrybergh Parish Council, Thursday 3rd October 2024. Held At the Parish Hall, Park Lane, Thrybergh.


- Councillors G Trickett (Chair), A Martin, J Parsons, B Shaw, M Senior, T Knapton, J Chambers, N Jackson, and R Thomas.

Also Present Ward Councillor J Ryalls.

103/24.  Apologies For Absence.

No Apologies.

104/24. Approval of Reason Given for Absence.

No Apologies.

105/24. Declaration Of Interest

There was a declaration of interest from Councillor M Senior on the item in Matters Arising relating to the parish owned woodlands on Hollings Lane.

106/24. Questions From The Public

There were no questions.

Councillor Ryalls joined the meeting.

107/24. Minutes of the Previous Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 5th September 2024.

Mover: Councillor A Martin

Seconder: Councillor M Senior

Resolved: That the minutes of the previous meeting of Thrybergh Parish Council held on Thursday 5th September 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

108/24. Matters Arising from Previous Meetings of the Parish Council.

The following matters arising were discussed: -

054/24 - Tree Survey in PC owned woodland – Still awaiting quotations and these will be brough to the parish council when received.

Remembrance Sunday – The service will begin at 10:15am before the conclusion at the Cenotaph commencing approx. 10:50am. Street poppies will be put outside the hall, local churches and schools with further RBL signs on the roads leading into Thrybergh. Posters will be put on the notice board shortly about the service.

Christmas Pantomime – Posters now produced, and we will put them up with tickets on sale towards the end of October.

VE Day 80th Anniversary 8th May 2025 – provisional enquiries about themed 40’s style singers have shown them to be very expensive. The clerk will continue to explore possibilities and will advise the council on progress at the next meeting.

109/24. Police Report.

The July crime figures were presented to the council and show Rotherham North at 841 incidents and Thrybergh at 71 incidents. These are higher than the previous figures and reflect the usual increases shown in the summer months.

110/24. Correspondence.

The following items of correspondence were made available to the parish councillors: -

YLCA White Rose Bulletin including Training.

Dalton & Thrybergh Ward New from RMBC.

111/24. Items of Report.

The chair read out Ward Councillor Bennett-Sylvester’s report: -

Community Pantry – this is an initiative Cllr Ryalls and I have been working with some success to help alleviate the cost-of-living crisis.  Open to anybody regardless of benefit status the charity aims to reduce food waste by selling excess stock from suppliers and the charity Fareshare. For just £4 residents can get a great value bag full of shopping, we work with them across the ward but currently have them in the church hall car park on a Tuesday morning between 10 and 11am and the response has been above expectations. We are currently working with the team to provide inside venues for the winter, it looks like we’ll have them in the church hall after the Little Lions playgroup on Tuesdays and we’re looking to fund an hourly session in the Wootton Court Neighbourhood Centre.

Streetlights - We’ve had lights out on the Pingles estate for over a month, the fault is unfortunately beyond the council’s control and lies with Northern Powergrid. Officers are continuously chasing and while they have a working target of 20 working days to fix street light faults officers inform me, they are failing on a third of the nearly 40 faults across Rotherham. 

Winter Works - Cllr Ryalls and I can nominate 5 areas for extra weeding and cleaning over the winter. This schedule was disrupted last winter due to resources having to be diverted to Catcliffe to deal with flooding. In Thrybergh I’ve nominated the path from Vale Road to the Bill Winder Play Area, Doncaster Road from its junction with Park Lane to Back Lane and the path from March Flatts Road to Thrybergh Lane.

Country Park - A new manager should be in post this month; we’ve been promised a meeting with them and the Bramley and Ravenfield councillors by the Cabinet Member responsible.  I’m best describing relations with the cabinet and ourselves over the park as fraught as we continue to look for assurances on its development. 

Thrybergh To Be On Sky TV - On November 14th a film crew will be at the Lost Chord Soup & Song session at St Gerard’s Church. The sessions are dementia friendly usually lead by Sally Glennon with the community at St Gerard’s providing soup, sandwiches and cake. The event is on 12-2 and the filming will be on Sky in December, I hope as many people as possible attend for a chance to show a positive Thrybergh and Rotherham story to the wider world.

Councillor Ryalls commented on the continuing problems with off-road vehicles with the latest issues seeing people knocked off their bikes which are then stolen by assailants on quad bikes.

The chair, in his capacity as Hall secretary, advised that enquiries for children’s parties continue to do well and several bookings have been taken for the hall with bar.

Clerk was unable to attend the last CAP meeting on 26th September, the next meeting will be in Thrybergh Parish Hall Wednesday 30th October.

112/24. Requested by Councillors and/or AOB.

It was reported that the request for a liquor licence at 4 Oldgate Lane has now been granted with a 10pm curfew rather than the requested time of 11pm.

Regarding the vandalism to the recently plated fruit trees, the outcome was that the local youths involved have been help at a local ‘supermarket’ aimed at providing food baskets for the needy which involved dealing with the community and also helping to cook/bake produce.

We received a planning application from RMBC relating to a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed external insulation with a white render finish for 46 Park Lane. No further detail from RMBC and no comments were made by the council.

The planning application for the erection of 25 new dwellings and change of use and conversion of existing listed buildings to 7 dwellings on Doncaster Road (former Fosters site) is being considered Thursday 10th October 2024 starting at 9am. There have been numerous concerns raised by Thrybergh residents with the main issues being impact on traffic especially the area around the entrance to the new site and impact on local infrastructure ie schools, doctors, shops etc. It is expected that RMBC will allow this despite the numerous reservations, but most concerns still relate to the additional huge estate many expect to also be built on the site at a later date. The parish council will continue to oppose any further developments on the site.


113/24. A Report from The Staffing Committee.

The staff committee met at 6pm on 3rd October to perform the clerk’s annual assessment. The report was given to council confirming that the clerk was performing all duties with distinction, and this was accepted by full council.

114/24. Accounts For Payment.

The Council considered the schedule of accounts for payment for September.

Mover: Councillor A Martin

Seconder: Councillor B Shaw

Resolved: That the schedule of accounts for payment be approved and signed by the Chair.

115/24. To notify the Clerk of matters for inclusion on the agenda of the next meeting.

No items raised.

Date Of Next Meeting

The date of the next parish council meeting will be Thursday 7th November 2024.

Closure of Meeting at 7:42pm.

Councillor G Trickett
