Meeting Minutes 2024 to 2025

September 2024: Meeting Minutes

Minutes of a Meeting of Thrybergh Parish Council, Thursday 5th September 2024. Held At the Parish Hall, Park Lane, Thrybergh.


Councillors G Trickett (Chair), A Martin, J Parsons, B Shaw, M Senior, T Knapton & R Thomas.

There were two members of the public present.

083/24.  Apologies For Absence.

Apologies were received from Councillors J Chambers & N Jackson.

084/24. Approval of Reason Given for Absence.

Mover: Councillor R Martin                                      

Seconder: Councillor R Thomas

Resolved: That the councillor’s apologies be accepted by the Parish Council.

085/24. Declaration Of Interest

There were declarations from Councillor M Senior on the item relating to parish owned woodlands and from Councillor T Knapton on the grant request from St. Leonard’s Church.

086/24. Questions From The Public.                         

There were no questions.

087/24. Minutes of the Previous Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 3rd July 2024.

Mover: Councillor M Senior                                          

Seconder: Councillor A Martin

Resolved: That the minutes of the previous meeting of Thrybergh Parish Council held on Thursday 3rd July 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

088/24. Matters Arising from Previous Meetings of the Parish Council.

The following matters arising were discussed:-

054/24 - Tree Survey in PC owned woodland – Requests for tender sent to RMBC (all their work is now undertaken by Glendale), Tree Works & Mark Senior. Warncliffe Trees & Woodland do not do remedial work. Quotes are awaited and will be discussed when all have been received.

052/24 - Access gate on to Fullerton Fields, Vale Road – all work now done and new padlock purchased from PN Alarms at a cost of £29.12 plus VAT at £5.83 for a total of £34.95.

Mover: Councillor R Thomas                                      

Seconder: Councillor T Knapton

Resolved: That the expenditure on the new padlock be approved.

076/24 - Remembrance Sunday Service Booklet Reprint – Booklets now printed and collected.

089/24. Police Report.

May crime figures are Rotherham North at 780 and Thrybergh at 52 with June figures being Rotherham North at 749 and Thrybergh at 58.

090/24. Remembrance Sunday 10th November 2024.

The clerk confirmed that Revd. Helen Terry will lead the service in the hall which is planned to start at 10:30am concluding with the 2-minute silence at the Cenotaph at 11am. Refreshments to be provided by the Parish Council afterwards.

091/24. Christmas Pantomime Jack & The Beanstalk.

The pantomime will be Saturday 14 December with doors open at 1pm for a 1:30pm start. The Parish Council decided that the price remains at £2 per adult with children free, refreshments and sweets to be provided by the Council.

Mover: Councillor R Thomas                                    

Seconder: Councillor T Knapton

Resolved: That the ticket price remains at £2 per adult and free for children.

092/24. VE Day 80th Anniversary 8 May 2025.

The chair reported that the 80th anniversary of VE is on 8 May next year and if was felt that such an important date needed to be remembered. There were several discussions with all Councillors in favour of opening the hall and bar and to feature live music with the hall being suitably decorated. The clerk will check on bands/singers with most in favour of an Andrews Sisters type tribute and possibly 40’s themed dress. The best date for the event would be Saturday 10th May with it anticipated to be ticketed but subsidised by the Parish Council. The clerk will report on progress during the upcoming months.

093/24. Fire & Alarm Certification by Trust Fire.

The annual test and Certification of Fire Alarm, Emergency Lighting & Fire Extinguishers wase done during the summer.

Mover: Councillor J Parsons                                      

Seconder: Councillor A Martin

Resolved: That the invoice from Trust Fire for the test and certification work plus fitting a new emergency exit light be approved at a cost of £310.50 plus VAT at £60.30 for total cost £361.80.

094/24. Energy Supply Agreement for the Parish Hall.

The clerk and chair advised that the 3-year contract for gas and electricity supply for the hall concluded during the summer. The contract was extended for a further 3-years with our current supplier, British Gas Light, as they were the cheapest provider.

095/24. Various Repairs Undertaken in the Hall.

Repair work to the toilets have been undertaken due to vandalism damage in the gents toilet, leaking cistern and toilet flush systems.

Mover: Councillor A Martin                                       

Seconder: Councillor R Thomas

Resolved: That the invoice for repair work from West Joinery & Building to the value of £113.12 be approved.

096/24. Correspondence.

The following items of correspondence were made available to the parish councillors:-

YLCA White Rose Bulletin including Training.

Dalton & Thrybergh Ward New from RMBC.

Neighbourhood Newsletter for August.

097/24. Items of Report.

The chair began Items Of Report by expressing his thanks to Ward Councillor Bennett-Sylvester for his work in getting repair work to St Leonard’s Avenue on the RMBC programme and also helping to get the Thrybergh name put back on the buses used in our area which was an issue he raised a couple of years ago.

Ward Councillor Bennett-Sylvester sent in a written report which was read by the clerk.

Thrybergh Country Park: Members of the parish council may well be aware that the levelling up scheme has been reduced from a new café and car park to a café refurbishment. Officers were made aware of my displeasure as Rother Valley will still get a new café and capital funding is being used to aid non-council run attractions such as Wentworth Woodhouse and Gullivers Kingdom. We were given assurances that funding for the paths and play area had been secured. We discussed a strategic vision for the park mainly focussed around the nature element and providing a destination venue for disabled people as the park has many features that just need some enhancing. The idea was also launched for linking the cottage onsite to the Silverwood Colliery Heritage Group as a potential base.  

Road Resurfacing: I’ve had confirmation back that St Leonard’s Avenue will be resurfaced following my nomination and now that construction is completed on Oldgate Lane and in the sign-off phase it should be delivered this financial year.

Traffic Congestion: I’ve held a site meeting this week with the head of transportation and highways officers at the bottom of Oldgate Lane. The consensus is that nothing can be done without major capital investment on the A630 and changes to light timings would be marginal.  Design of junctions will be looked at and also if the bus corridor can be relaxed at certain times and will advise when the reports come back.

New Energy Efficient Council Homes: Councillors will remember the planning permissions for two new two-bedroom homes on St Leonard’s Avenue and an adapted bungalow on Staple Green to incorporate heat pumps and solar panels.  In what seems to be a theme for RMBC, the contractors have pulled out and there is no set date for a project start.

New Curate: St Leonard’s has a new curate in Rev James Gould and wanting to know more about the village he joined me for a walkabout with council officers and Rev Helen Terry. 

MP Co-operation: Currently I’m seeing an increase in co-operative working with Sarah Champion MP and on Wednesday September 18 I’ve been invited to join her at a meeting at the country park café between 3.30 and 4.30pm to introduce her to residents who are new constituents as a result of boundary changes and I’d like to encourage anybody living north of Poplar Avenue or Vale Road to come along and let her know about your life experience.

The chair, in his capacity as Hall secretary, advised that reducing numbers has meant that the Friday evening social/bingo club was to close Friday 27 September. There was good news however as there is now a new group on Friday mornings for a craft Knit and Natter session. The hall is also being used more by agencies and there will be a school flu jab session for children and we hope this will lead to further bookings. Enquiries for children’s parties remain strong but enquiries/booking for bar booking remain low.

The clerk attended CAP meetings on 17 July and 21 August. The main issues raised were drug usage and dealing in our area, problems with off-road bike/vehicles and fly tipping, The latest crime and housing figures show that our area compares reasonably favourably with other areas in Rotherham North although off-road nuisance remains high.

098/24. Requested by Councillors and/or AOB.

We have been advised by RMBC of a request for a liquor licence at 4 Oldgate Lane seeking to sell alcohol Monday to Saturday from 8am to 11pm and Sunday 9am to 10pm. The Parish Council has no issues with the granting of a licence but it was felt that sales to 11pm is too late and should be to 10pm only and the clerk will comment as such on the RMBC planning website.

DEHT greenspaces is organising an autumn fair on 2 November 12-3 pm at Warreners Drive.


099/24. Parish Accounts for 2023/24.

The AGAR and annual accounts for Thrybergh Parish Council have been approved and signed off by the external auditors, PKF Littlejohn and no issues were raised and we now have their invoice to approve.

Mover: Councillor A Martin                                       

Seconder: Councillor B Shaw

Resolved: That the invoice from PKF Littlejohn for £420 plus VAT at £84 for a total of £504 be approved.

100/24. Grant Request from St Leonard’s Church.

The Parish Council has received a grant request from St Leonard’s Church for cemetery upkeep work on Thrybergh Lane.

Mover: Councillor A Martin                         

Seconder: Councillor J Parsons

Resolved: That Thrybergh Parish Council approve a grant of £500.

101/24. Accounts For Payment.

The Council considered the schedule of accounts for payment for July.

Mover: Councillor A Martin                                     

Seconder: Councillor T Knapton

Resolved: That the schedule of accounts for payment be approved and signed by the Chair.

The Council considered the schedule of accounts for payment for August.

Mover: Councillor B Shaw                    

Seconder: Councillor M Senior

Resolved: That the schedule of accounts for payment be approved and signed by the Chair.

102/24. To notify the Clerk of matters for inclusion on the agenda of the next meeting.

No items raised.

Date Of Next Meeting

The date of the next parish council meeting will be Thursday 3 October 2024.

Closure of Meeting at 7:49pm