Meeting Minutes 2024 to 2025
June 2024: Meeting Minutes
Minutes of a Meeting of Thrybergh Parish Council, Thursday 6th June 2024. Held At the Parish Hall, Park Lane, Thrybergh.
Councillors G Trickett (Chair), A Martin, J Parsons, J Chambers, T Knapton, R Thomas, M Senior & N Jackson.
Also present Ward Councillors M Bennett-Sylvester & J Ryalls (part-time).
There were no members of the public present.
041/24. Apologies For Absence.
Apologies were received from Councillors B Shaw.
042/24. Approval of Reason Given for Absence.
Mover: Councillor A Martin
Seconder: Councillor R Thomas
Resolved: That the councillor’s apology be accepted by the Parish Council.
043/24. Declaration Of Interest
There were no declarations of interest
044/24. Questions From The Public.
There were no members of the public in attendance.
045/24. Minutes of the Previous Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 9th May 2024.
Mover: Councillor A Martin
Seconder: Councillor J Parsons
Resolved: That the minutes of the previous meeting of Thrybergh Parish Council held on Thursday 9th May 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
046/24. Matters Arising from Previous Meetings of the Parish Council.
The following matters arising were discussed:-
025/24 – police investigations into the vandalism to the recently planted fruit trees on Vale Road and behind the Parish Hall continue and the Parish Council will await the conclusion before deciding upon any further actions.
112/23 - D-Day 80th Anniversary. Two pennants have been bought and have been displayed in the hall.
Mover: Councillor N Jackson
Seconder: Councillor A Martin
Resolved: That the Parish Council approve the purchase of the pennants from Amazon at a cost of £15.18.
047/24. Police Report.
The police statistics have not yet been updated so March figures remain as Rotherham North at 672 with 60 for Thrybergh. There has not been a Community Action Plan (CAP) meeting due to Councillor inductions following last month’s elections.
048/24. Renewal of Clerk’s Membership to The Society Of Local Council Clerks (SLCC).
Mover: Councillor M Senior
Seconder: Councillor A Martin
Resolved: That the Parish Council approve the invoice from SLCC for the clerk’s membership for 2024/25 at a cost of £229.
049/24. Silverwood Heritage Society, Pop-Up Museum in the Parish Hall.
We are in discussions with Silverwood Heritage Society to host a Pop-up Museum later in the year with the date to be finalised shortly.
Mover: Councillor J Chambers
Seconder: Councillor R Thomas
Resolved: That the Parish Hall be made available free of charge for this important community activity.
050/24. Repairs to Locking Mechanism of the Main Hall Emergency Exit.
Mover: Councillor N Jackson
Seconder: Councillor T Knapton
Resolved: That the work done on the main hall emergency fire door by West Joinery & Building be approved at a cost of £70.
051/24. Repairs to Sink Unit in Kitchen.
Mover: Councillor M Senior
Seconder: Councillor N Jackson
Resolved: That the repair work done on the sink by West Joinery & Building be approved at a cost of £62.12.
052/24. Access Gate onto Fullerton Field, Vale Road.
The council discussed the current condition of the old wooden gate onto the field and expressed concerns about access security.
Mover: Councillor A Martin
Seconder: Councillor M Senior
Resolved: That the Parish Council accept the quotation from Kingsforth Security Fencing for a new metal gate at a cost of £1728 plus VAT at £345.60 for a total of £2073.60.
053/24. Traffic Collison with Gate and Wall on Hollings Lane.
It was advised that a traffic collision occurred on Thursday 6th June between two cars and the gate/wall on the football field on Hollings Lane. The damage to the wall was reported to RMBC and this has now been repaired. The gate was inspected by Kingsforth Security Fencing and repair work undertaken as an emergency measure on 6th June.
Mover: Councillor A Martin
Seconder: Councillor T Knapton
Resolved: That the Parish Council accept the quotation inspection work from Kingsforth Security Fencing for gate repairs at a cost of £325 plus VAT at £65 for total £390.
054/24. Parish Council Woodland on Hollings Lane.
The clerk was contacted by RMBC to advise that trees had fallen on to the road and been cleared due to safety concerns. This is the land given to Thrybergh Parish Council by the Ogden Group and we will shortly be receiving the bill for the clear up and associated tree work. The Parish Council has a legal obligation to keep woodlands safe and the trees now need inspecting. Contact has been made with Warncliffe Trees & Woodland Consultancy to arrange for an inspection and a quote has been received. We will then need to undertake the recommendations with the report to be presented at the next Council meeting.
Mover: Councillor R Thomas
Seconder: Councillor R Jackson
Resolved: That the Parish Council accept the quotation from Wharncliffe Tree & Woodland Consultancy at a cost of £350.
055/24. Spare Parts for Litter Picking Barrow.
Mover: Councillor M Senior
Seconder: Councillor R Thomas
Resolved: That the spare parts purchased from Helping Hand Environmental at a cost of £35.98 plus £6.83 VAT for total £40.97 be approved.
056/24. Correspondence.
The following items of correspondence were made available to the parish councillors:-
YLCA White Rose Bulletins.
NALC Chief Executive’s Bulletins.
Dalton & Thrybergh Neighbourhood News
Neighbourhood Newsletter for June.
057/24. Items of Report.
Ward Councillor Bennett-Sylvester Report – The Ward Councillor welcomed the new Ward Councillor Jodie Ryalls and expressed his thanks for the work done by our new litter picker for reporting issues in Thrybergh when he is on his rounds. He then advised that Ward Councillors can nominate one road only for possible inclusion on this year’s road work plans and he has nominated Oldgate Lane due to extensive potholes and general wear and tear and, hopefully, this will be one of the chosen areas for necessary work. He then advised that there was still no date set yet for the commencement of work on the promised new café at the Country Park and he continues to push for the completion of the path around the park which should be finalised in the next financial year.
Hall Secretary Report – It was advised that the Slimming World regular booking on Saturday mornings has now been cancelled due to low numbers and cost increases implemented on franchise holders which meant that that the Thrybergh group is unsustainable with the last meeting to be held on 1st June.
058/24. Requested by Councillors and/or AOB.
The clerk informed of an incident of obscene graffiti being written on one of the recently renovated benches outside St Leonard’s Church and which has now been removed. There has also been vandalism in the parish hall with a hole punched in the wall in the Men’s toilet. The clerk will undertake repairs and advise costs when known.
059/24. The Internal Audit of Thrybergh Parish Council for 2023/24.
Mover: Councillor M Senior
Seconder: Councillor T Knapton
Resolved: That the Internal Audit for 2023/24 be accepted.
060/24. Appointment of an Internal Auditor to Thrybergh Parish Council for 2024/25.
Mover: Councillor A Martin
Seconder: Councillor R Thomas
Resolved: That Thrybergh Parish Council appoint Richard Bellamy as the Internal Auditor for 2024/25.
061/24. Annual Governance Statement of Thrybergh Parish Council for 2023/24.
Mover: Councillor R Thomas
Seconder: Councillor N Jackson
Resolved: That Thrybergh Parish Council accept the Annual Governance Statement for 2023/24.
062/24. Annual Accounting Statement of Thrybergh Parish Council for 2023/24.
Mover: Councillor A Martin
Seconder: Councillor R Thomas
Resolved: That Thrybergh Parish Council accept the Annual Accounting Statement for 2023/24.
063/24. Annual Accounts of Thrybergh Parish Council for 2023/24.
Mover: Councillor T Knapton
Seconder: Councillor R Thomas
Resolved: That Thrybergh Parish Council accept the Annual Accounts for 2023/24.
064/24. NALC Revised Model Financial Regulations 2024.
The clerk outlined changes to the new NALC Revised Model Financial Regulations 2024. It was agreed by the Parish Council that the clerk continues with on-line banking on behalf of the Council with payments being approved at the monthly meeting and monthly bank reconciliation’s being signed by the Vice-Chair.
Mover: Councillor M Senior
Seconder: Councillor N Jackson
Resolved: That Thrybergh Parish Council approve and adopt the NALC Revised Model Financial Regulations 2024.
065/24. YLCA Branch Meetings, Council Representation.
YLCA is looking for the appointment of up to 2 councillors to attend YLCA Branch meetings and to represent the Parish Council as voting representatives. Only councillors and clerks who have been formally appointed by their council will be permitted to vote at Branch meetings and be able stand for appointment to the YLCA Joint Executive Board. Any councillor can attend the branch meetings but only the two appointed representatives can vote. We currently have Councillor Ben Shaw and the clerk who attends and the Council considered that these be the approved representatives for Thrybergh Parish Council.
066/24. Accounts For Payment.
The Council considered the schedule of accounts for payment for May.
Mover: Councillor N Jackson
Seconder: Councillor R Thomas
Resolved: That the schedule of accounts for payment be approved and signed by the Chair.
067/24. To Notify The Clerk Of Matters For Inclusion On The Agenda Of The Next Meeting.
No items raised.
Date Of Next Meeting
The date of the next parish council meeting will be agreed shortly due to 4th July being the date of the General Election and a suitable alternative not being readily available due to councillor holidays.
Closure of Meeting at 7:58pm.