Meeting Minutes 2024 to 2025
March 2024 - Meeting Minutes
Minutes of a Meeting of Thrybergh Parish Council, Thursday 7th March 2024.
Held At the Parish Hall, Park Lane, Thrybergh.
Present: - Councillors G Trickett (Chair), A Martin, J Parsons, T Knapton, N Jackson, B Shaw, R Thomas & M Senior.
Also present Ward Councillor Bennett-Sylvester. There were no members of the public present.
204/23. Apologies For Absence.
Apologies were received from Councillor D Bates & J Chambers
205/23. Approval of Reason Given for Absence.
Mover: Councillor A Martin
Seconder: Councillor R Thomas
Resolved: That the councillor’s apologies be accepted by the Parish Council.
206/23. Declaration Of Interest
Councillor G Trickett expressed an interest in Agenda item 21 - hire of hall charges.
207/23. Questions From The Public.
There were no members of the public in attendance but the clerk advised he had contacted by a resident to raise concerns about dangerous paths/roads at the Country Park due to winter damage and lack of maintenance. There was now a dialogue between the member of the public and officers at RMBC and the clerk, with council’s permission, would also contact RMBC to follow up on the matter.
208/23. Minutes of the Previous Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 1st February 2024.
Mover: Councillor A Martin
Seconder: Councillor B Shaw
Resolved: That the minutes of the previous meeting of Thrybergh Parish Council held on Thursday 1st February 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
209/23. Matters Arising from Previous Meetings of the Parish Council.
The following matters arising were discussed:-
394/22 - Coronation of King Charles III
Commemorative plaque now fitted in place by the Rowan tree. The Government is to supply an official portrait of King Charles III free of charge to Government bodies and this has now been ordered with delivery April/May.
132/23 - Planning Application RB2023/1214 for tree works on School Lane
RMBC has granted provisional approval for the pruning works.
153/23 – ‘Brassed Off’ Performance in the Parish Hall
To update council on screening of Brassed Off in the hall as part of the Miner’s Strike Commemorations by the Silverwood Heritage Society. The event commences 17:30 on 16th March and there will be a coal mining exhibition, performance by Paul Davies from the film and pie and peas and refreshments will be served. The tickets have been available since the 16th Feb and can be ordered on-line at
084/23 - Planning Applications RB2023/0827, RB2023/0829 & RB2023/0830
The Deer Park Farm applications to change use of storage buildings to deli shop, retail/antiques emporium unit & warehousing has now been conditionally granted by RMBC.
195/23 - Planning Application RB2024/0009
The Deer Park Farm application to erect timber gazebos to cover external seating has been granted conditionally by RMBC.
201/23 - Closure of Parish Council Account with HSBC
The clerk advised Council that the HSBC account has now been closed and business transferred to the Parish Council Co-op account.
210/23. Police Report.
The police statistics for January were discussed and show 657 incidents for Rotherham North with 36 reported for Thrybergh.
211/23. Trust Fire.
To approve invoices for 6 monthly service of fire alarm, emergency lighting system and extinguishers plus fit new extinguisher, replace emergency exit lights and fit new battery packs.
Mover: Councillor R Thomas
Seconder: Councillor T Knapton
Resolved: That the invoices from Trust Fire for all work done at a cost of net £754.00 plus VAT £ 150.00 for gross £904.80 be approved by the Parish Council.
212/23. Ryan Askew Electrical.
To approve invoice for electrical work in the hall due to partial lighting failure following Thrybergh power blackout.
Mover: Councillor A Martin
Seconder: Councillor R Thomas
Resolved: That the invoice from Ryan Askew Electrical for all work done at a cost of net £120.00 plus VAT £24.00 for gross £144.00 be approved by the Parish Council.
213/23. PN Alarms.
To approve invoice for annual service contract for intruder & CCTV systems plus new battery pack.
Mover: Councillor M Senior
Seconder: Councillor T Knapton
Resolved: That the invoice from PN Alarms for all work done at a cost of net £210.00 plus VAT £42.00 for gross £252.00 be approved by the Parish Council.
214/23. Force Contracts.
To approve annual gas service of boiler/cooker hob and repairs and new parts fitted to boiler following breakdown in February.
Mover: Councillor A Martin
Seconder: Councillor R Thomas
Resolved: That the invoices from Force Contracts for all work done at a cost of net £1117.33 plus VAT £223.47 for gross £1340.80 be approved by the Parish Council.
215/23. Planning Application RB2024/0205 to Vary/Discharge Previous Application on Land to the rear of 13-37 Vale Avenue.
The clerk outlined the application to amendment materials used on the exterior of the buildings, no comments were made by the Council.
216/23. Pantomime for December 2024.
The Christmas pantomime will be Jack and the Beanstalk on Saturday 14th December, doors 1pm with start 1:30pm.
Mover: Councillor N Jackson
Seconder: Councillor R Thomas
Resolved: That the Parish Council approve the staging of the pantomime supplied by Chaplins Pantos at a cost of £1204 plus VAT £240.80 for gross £1444.80.
217/23. Correspondence.
The following items of correspondence were made available to the parish councillors:-
YLCA White Rose Bulletins.
YLCA Training Bulletin.
NALC Chief Executive’s Bulletins.
Neighbourhood Watch February & March Newsletter
Dalton & Thrybergh Neighbourhood News
YLCA Councillor Development Framework Training Programme.
YLCA Chairing Skills Training programme.
YLCA Law & Governance Bulletin.
218/23. Items of Report.
Ward Councillor Bennett Report - The Country Park budget has been improved which will see fully extend the path around the lake in a further 2 phases with the section to Thrybergh Lane to be done this year and the remainder next year.
The Thrybergh section of Doncaster Road has been included in the Local Neighbourhood Road Safety schemes in cabinet papers. Once approved, work will commence on a detailed design but the initial spec is to tackle concerns on speeding and pedestrian proximity to traffic between Deer Park Farm and School Lane along with measures to improve crossing near the country park.
Due to some money being left in the Ward Housing Hub budget, a second K frame will be able to be installed to disrupt the circuit off-road motorbikes are taking around Warreners and will be put on the path that runs by the side of the railway line.
Discussions are taking place with rights of way and volunteers from the Ramblers about clearing back vegetation and improvements to the footpath from March Flatts to the country park. This is part of discussions to upgrade the Don Valley Way through the ward and promote it as a walking route.
I’m frustrated over consultation plans for the Bill Winder Play area. Councillors will recall that funding was secured under a section 106 agreement with developers and last year I pushed that when the monies came through to organise a meeting with Green Spaces only to be told that due to capacity issues nothing could be done until this year. Last week we were offered a consultation process that due to the tight timeframe ahead of purdah would have been just a basic tick box exercise instead of a proper conversation with the village about what it would want in the play area. The consultation will now take place after the election as well as the S106 money whoever the new councillors will be they will also have a new set of ward capital funding to leverage.
The requested dropped kerbs near to The Paddocks are in the 2024/25 plan.
Hall Secretary Report - The hall secretary reported that bookings with the bar were increasing with four functions already booked in May and children’s party bookings continue to be popular. The Council has declined potential bookings for the hall with bar for 16th birthday parties due to licensing restrictions.
The clerk attended the CAP meeting on Wednesday 24th January with police and housing statistic being given out last month and new stats available in April. Issues mentioned were drugs, problems around Warreners centre and youth nuisance. Police are getting up for the expected increase in off-road nuisance due to better weather and fly tipping remains a concern. The next CAP meeting date is Wednesday 17th April in Dalton parish hall.
The clerk attended election training 6th February and details of the upcoming election and time schedules were given to Councillors.
The clerk attended the YLCA South Yorkshire Branch meeting 21st February with the Director of Public Transport Operations (Tim Taylor) attending to give an update on local bus services. Discussions were long and vigorous but, essentially, the cutbacks we are all facing are due to lack of funding from central Govt and a drop in passengers since COVID.
The clerk attended the clerk’s meeting at Thurcroft on 26th February and items discussed were the role of legal services in PC disputes within parish councils including potential conflicts and disagreements and the Joint Working Group and Agreement are to be revamped with new elections of officials around June.
The clerk will attend the Parish Council network meeting on 15th March at the Sunnyside community hall.
219/23. Requested by Councillors and/or AOB.
It was reported that NALC recommends the use of email addresses by all council staff and this will be investigated at a future date.
Planning Application RB/2024/0008 submitted by Deer Park Farm for two non-illuminated signs has been provisionally granted by RMBC.
The men’s toilet is currently out of order with repairs scheduled for next week. Costs will be put to Council when known.
YLCA has advised that the Government is to introduce new legislation in October creating additional legal requirements on councils and employers to take proactive steps to prevent sexual harassment at work and this will be a future agenda when full details are known.
220/23. Trustees of Hollings Lane, Grant for Financial Year 2023/24 to be made to Thrybergh Miners Recreation & Pleasure Ground.
Mover: Councillor T Knapton
Seconder: Councillor A Martin
Resolved: That the Parish Council as Trustees approve a grant of £2500.00 to Thrybergh Miners Recreation & Pleasure Ground.
221/23. Financial Risks Of The Council (Risk Assessment).
The clerk detailed the Financial Risk Assessment for Thrybergh Parish Council.
Mover: M Senior
Seconder R Thomas
Resolved: That Thrybergh Parish Council accept the Financial Risk Assessment.
222/23. Asset Register of Thrybergh Parish Council.
The clerk detailed the Asset Register of Thrybergh Parish Council.
Mover: R Thomas
Seconder N Jackson
Resolved: That Thrybergh Parish Council accept the Asset Register.
223/23. Bar Prices for 2024/25.
The Council considered bar prices to be implemented from 1st April 2024.
Mover: M Senior
Seconder T Knapton
Resolved: That Thrybergh Parish Council increase bar prices by 20p from 1st April 2024.
224/23 Hire of Hall Charges for 2024/25.
The Council considered hall hire charges to be implemented from 1st April 2024. It was reported to the councillors that hall hire charges had been at the same level since 2016 with some small increases in 2022 and then kept at the same level in 2023. Councillor Trickett did not vote on any of the resolutions.
Mover: R Thomas
Seconder M Senior
Resolved: That Thrybergh Parish Council hire charge for community bookings be increased to £12.50.
Mover: A Martin
Seconder N Jackson
Resolved: That Thrybergh Parish Council hire charge for funerals be increased to £12.00.
Mover: M Senior
Seconder R Thomas
Resolved: That Thrybergh Parish Council hire charge for evening functions be increased to £80.00.
Mover: M Senior
Seconder R Thomas
Resolved: That Thrybergh Parish Council hire charge for full day weddings be increased to £100.00.
Mover: A Martin
Seconder M Senior
Resolved: That Thrybergh Parish Council hire charge for children’s parties remain at £45.00.
Mover: M Senior
Seconder R Thomas
Resolved: That Thrybergh Parish Council hire charge for Christenings remain at £40.00 and £60.00 with bar.
Mover: A Martin
Seconder R Thomas
Resolved: That Thrybergh Parish Council hire charge for outside agencies be increased to £35.00.
Mover: A Martin
Seconder T Knapton
Resolved: That Thrybergh Parish Council hire charge for Commercial (Business) Bookings remain at £18.00 per hour.
225/23. Pay Award to Parish Council Staff for Financial Year 2024/25.
The clerk is covered by the NALC National Agreement.
The Current rate for caretaking and street cleaning staff is £10.90 p/h with the National Minimum rate being increased from £10.42 to £11.44 from 1st April 2024.
Mover: M Senior
Seconder R Thomas
Resolved: That the rate for Staff for 2024/25 be increased to £12.00 per hour from 1st April 2024. All in favour.
226/23. Pay Award to Parish Council Bar Manager and Bar Staff for Financial Year 2024/25.
The current rates are £10.90 for bar staff and £13.90 for the bar manager.
Mover: Councillor M Senior
Seconder: Councillor A Martin
Resolved: That the rate for Bar Staff for 2024/25 be increased to £12.00 per hour from 1st April 2024. All in favour.
Mover: Councillor M Senior
Seconder: Councillor R Thomas
Resolved: That the rate for the Bar Steward for 2024/25 be increased to £15.00 per hour from 1st April 2024. All in favour.
227/23. Accounts For Payment.
The Council considered the schedule of accounts for payment for February.
Mover: Councillor A Martin
Seconder: Councillor T Knapton
Resolved: That the schedule of accounts for payment be approved and signed by the Chair.
228/23. To Notify The Clerk Of Matters For Inclusion On The Agenda Of The Next Meeting.
Councillor Parsons asked about updated fire training for staff, councillors and hall users and the clerk advised that he was in discussions for a new Fire Risk Assessment to be undertaken and will raise further training needs with the service providers.
Date Of Next Meeting
The date of the next parish council meeting will be Thursday 4th April 2024 at 6:30pm.
The chair informed council that this meeting would be preceded by the Annual Parish Meeting at 6pm.
The chair also advised council that the May meeting would be on the 9th May due to local elections taking place 2nd May.
Closure of Meeting at 8:27pm.