Meeting Minutes 2024 to 2025

February 2024 - Meeting Minutes

Minutes of a Meeting of Thrybergh Parish Council, Thursday 1st February 2024.

Held At the Parish Hall, Park Lane, Thrybergh.

Present: - Councillors G Trickett (Chair), A Martin, J Parsons, T Knapton, J Chambers, B Shaw & M Senior (part-time).

Also present Ward Councillor Bennett-Sylvester.

188/23.  Apologies For Absence

Apologies were received from Councillor D Bates, R Thomas & N Jackson.

189/23. Approval of Reason Given for Absence

Mover: Councillor A Martin                                           

Seconder: Councillor J Chambers

Resolved: That the councillor’s apologies be accepted by the Parish Council.

190/23. Declaration Of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

191/23. Questions From The Public

There were no questions from the public.

192/23. Minutes of the Previous Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 4th January 2024

Mover: Councillor B Shaw                                                

Seconder: Councillor A Martin

Resolved: That the minutes of the previous meeting of Thrybergh Parish Council held on Thursday 4th January 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

193/23. Matters Arising from Previous Meetings of the Parish Council

The following matters arising were discussed:-

394/22 - Coronation of King Charles III

A quote has now been received from Rotherham Engravers for a plaque for the Rowan tree.

Mover: Councillor A Martin                                              

Seconder: Councillor T Knapton

Resolved: That the Parish Council accept the quote from Rotherham Engraves for the brass plaque at £395.

Councillor Senior then joined the meeting.

132/23 - Planning Application RB2023/1214 for tree works on School Lane

The clerk advised that the original application RB2024/0028 for tree work on School Lane has been cancelled and replaced by this new one, no comments were made by the Parish Council.

153/23 - Brassed Of Performance in the Parish Hall

A meeting was held with Silverwood Heritage Society on Thursday 11th January to discuss the event with a provisional date of Saturday 16th March. A further meeting took place with the caretaking staff on Sunday 28th January to finalise seating arrangements and hall set up.

194/23. Police Report

The police statistics for Statistics for December show 675 incidents for Rotherham North with 35 reported for Thrybergh which is down from the 42 incidents in November.

195/23. Planning Application RB2024/0009 to Erect Timber Gazebos to Cover External Seating Areas at Deer Park Farm

The council discussed the application and were in favour so no comments to be made.

196/23. Gate Repairs on Vale Road and Bench Renovation on Doncaster Road

The gate on Vale Road/Fullerton Fields has now been repaired by CJB Joinery Services at a cost of £90.

Mover: Councillor A Martin                                              

Seconder: Councillor J Parsons

Resolved: That the Parish Council approve the work and accept the invoice from CJB Joinery Services at £90.

The two benches outside St Leonard’s Church need repair and a quote was submitted by CJB Joinery Servies to supply, fit and paint new timbers at a cost of £260 with work to be done in the Spring.

Mover: Councillor B Shaw                                                 

Seconder: Councillor J Chambers

Resolved: That the Parish Council approve the quote from CJB Joinery Services at £260.

197/23. Rock Salt for Parish Council Grit/Salt Bins

The clerk informed Council that the five Parish Council grit bins had been refilled at a cost of £276.79 plus VAT.

Mover: Councillor J Chambers                                          

Seconder: Councillor A Martin

Resolved: That the Parish Council approve the invoice from RMBC for £276.79 plus VAT.

198/23. Correspondence

The following items of correspondence were made available to the parish councillors:-

YLCA White Rose Bulletins.

YLCA Training Programme.

NALC Chief Executives’ Bulletins.

Letter of Thanks from St Gerards Church for Parish Council Grant.

Draft school term dates for consideration for the 2025/26 Academic Year.

Neighbourhood Watch January Newsletter.

Dalton & Thrybergh Neighbourhood News.

199/23. Items of Report

Councillor Shaw attended a recent meeting of the YLCA Joint Executive Board and he advised that there would be a small increase in fees, a push on councillor training and the implementation of a new website.

Ward Councillor Bennett Report

Council Budget - initially its looking good for Thrybergh for proposed capital spend including the Country Park. Proposals include a new play area for the park and for the path to be extended from its current point to Thrybergh Lane next year and then for the eastern section back to the dam wall the year after. The budget includes funding to improve six parks and, with the section 106 funding received for the Whinny Hill and Chesterhill developments, I will argue that it makes sense to add to that and do a full refurb on the Bill Winder Park.

Footpath renewal - is set to go from £800k to £1.2 million and we should be able to nominate a few paths per ward.

There is a significant commitment to replacing concrete lamp posts, this means more streets where we can deploy temporary CCTV cameras, we’ve one at a location in the village and it’s dealing effectively with several issues.

Wooton Court - redecoration is now complete for the centre and CCTV is signed off to add more security to the complex.

Doncaster Road - latest speed and accident figures don’t give enough evidence to upgrade the zebra crossing near Poplar Avenue but they do add weight to our bid for a local neighbourhood scheme from Fosters to the country park.

Oldgate Lane - highways have been to assess the lights in action especially the morning congestion. Investigations continue but they have concerns that a new box junction may make matters worse.

Deer Park Farm - the deli, antiques and gardening applications are going to the planning board next Thursday and, if possible, will speak in favour or will at least put in a written statement of support.

Warreners Drive/Hargrave Place – There is a little more money available Hub Housing Rebate which could mean a second barrier in the area to prevent off-road bicycle access.

A councillor mentioned that there had been a request for a dropped kerb on The Paddocks and it was advised that the Borough has many requests for these and has a three-year waiting list, the Ward Councillor will check on the request.

The clerk attended the CAP meeting on Wednesday 24th January in Thrybergh Parish Hall. Police and housing statistic show a decrease year on year and Thrybergh/Dalton compares favourably with the crime levels in other areas in Rotherham North. Discussions involved speeding, traffic on Doncaster Road and parking issues at local schools. Police have a no chase policy for off-road bikes. The next CAP meeting will also be in Thrybergh Wednesday 28th February. The clerk will attend election training on Tuesday 6th February, an on-line YLCA South Yorkshire Branch meeting 21st February and the clerk’s meeting at Thurcroft on Monday 26th February.

200/23. Requested by Councillors and/or AOB

It was advised by a Parish Councillor that they had reported a grate on Doncaster Road (near the Fosters site) that was very noisy when driven over by vehicles and a response now awaited from RMBC. Ward Councillor Bennett-Sylvester said that there was a 10-day period for response/repairs but he will take up the matter if there is a delay in resolving it.


201/23. Closure of Parish Council Account with HSBC

The poor service levels provided by HSBC were discussed by the Parish Council and the clerk, in his capacity as Responsible Financial Officer, recommended that we close the account and transfer the business to the Co-op bank.

Mover: Councillor A Martin                                           

Seconder: Councillor M Senior                    

Resolved: That the HSBC Account be closed and business transferred to the Co-op bank.

202/23. Accounts For Payment

The Council considered the schedule of accounts for payment for January.

Mover: Councillor M Senior                                           

Seconder: Councillor J Chambers

Resolved: That the schedule of accounts for payment be approved and signed by the Chair.

203/23. To Notify The Clerk Of Matters For Inclusion On The Agenda Of The Next Meeting

The clerk advised that RMBC has confirmed the provisional Council Tax Band D level is now fixed and our precept agreed at the January meeting has now been submitted to RMBC.

The chair informed that there will be a meeting of the Trustees of Hollings Lane Sports Ground before the March PC meeting at 6pm and that all Councillors are trustees.

The chair advised that the Christmas pantomime has been provisionally booked for Saturday 14th December and is Jack & The Beanstalk.

Date Of Next Meeting

The date of the next parish council meeting will be Thursday 7th March 2024.

Closure of Meeting at 7:57pm.

Chairman's signature confirming the minutes are accurate
