Meeting Minutes 2024 to 2025

January 2024 - Meeting Minutes

Held On Thursday 4th January 2024

At the Parish Hall, Park Lane, Thrybergh (6.30pm start)

Present: - Councillors G Trickett (Chair), A Martin, J Parsons, T Knapton, J Chambers, N Jackson, R Thomas & B Shaw.

There were no ward councillors or members of the public.

170/23.  Apologies For Absence.

Apologies were received from Councillor D Bates & M Senior.

171/23. Approval of Reason Given for Absence.

Mover: Councillor R Thomas                                       Seconder: Councillor A Martin

Resolved: That the councillor’s apologies be accepted by the Parish Council.

172/23. Declaration Of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

173/23. Questions From The Public.                         

There were no questions from the public.

174/23. Minutes of the Previous Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 7th December 2023.

Mover: Councillor J Chambers                                      Seconder: Councillor A Martin

Resolved: That the minutes of the previous meeting of Thrybergh Parish Council held on Thursday 7th December be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

175/23. Matters Arising from Previous Meetings of the Parish Council.

The following matters arising were discussed:-

121/23. HSBC Bank – There has been no response from HSBC to our correspondence. This item will be on the agenda for the February meeting with a view to closing the account should the parish council agree.

- Cenotaph Centenary – The event was discussed and it was deemed a great success although the numbers attending were a little disappointing. Thanks have been sent to John Healey MP, Fr Des Sexton, Revd Helen Terry, Malby Miners Welfare Band and Sally Glennon for their help during the event. It was reported that prior to the ceremony a group of local schoolchildren were asked to vacate the area of the Cenotaph as they were climbing on the Cenotaph and they then verbally abused the clerk. The incident was caught on CCTV and has been discussed with Thrybergh Academy.

146/23 - Thrybergh Parish Council Pantomime December 2023 – There were 98 adults and children at the pantomime which was deemed a great success and enjoyed by all. The attendance would have been over 100 but there were several absentees due to illness. The parish council agreed that we have the pantomime again in December 2024 and the clerk was instructed to make a provisional booking for 1:30pm on Saturday 14th December. The Chair officially thanked all the volunteers who helped in making this such a special day.

149/23 - Planning Application RB2023/1424 – Update on application to build a detached bungalow on the former garage site St Leonard’s Avenue/Palmer Place – Planning Application refused by RMBC.

084/23 - Planning Application RB2023/0827 – Update on Deer Park Farm application to change use of storage buildings to deli shop – Planning Application granted by RMBC.

084/23 - Planning Application RB2023/0829 – Update on Deer Park Farm application to change use of buildings to retail/antiques emporium unit – Planning Application refused by RMBC.

084/23 - Planning Application RB2023/0830 - Update on Deer Park Farm application to change use to retail unit with a portion of warehousing and store use – Planning Application refused by RMBC.

176/23. Police Report.

The police statistics for Statistics for November show 648 incidents for Rotherham North area with 42 reported for Thrybergh. The clerk reported that there was an incident on Friday 15th December with two off-road cycles being driven around the village without lights and at very high speeds at this has been reported to SYP.

177/23. Grant Request from St Gerards Church.

The parish council has received a grant request from St Gerards Church for financial help in the upkeep of the cemetery next to the parish church.

There was 1 vote against the motion.

Mover: Councillor R Thomas                                         Seconder: Councillor N Jackson

Resolved: That the Parish Council award a grant of £500 to St Leonard’s Church for cemetery upkeep.

178.23. Rememberance Sunday Service.

To approve the costs for the event.

Poppies placed around Thrybergh & Wreath for Cenotaph - £293.99 (already passed on minute 143/23).

Keyboards for Service - £25 (already passed on minute 143/23).

Refreshments after the service - £43.69.

Mover: Councillor A Martin                                           Seconder: Councillor T Knapton

Resolved: That the Parish Council approve the expenditure of £43.69 for refreshments for the event.

179/23. Pantomime Performance of Cinderella.

To approve the costs for the event.

Chaplins Pantomimes - £1125 plus VAT at £1315 (already passed on minute 011/23).

Refreshments £76.47, Selection Boxes £87.50 and pop/crisps £67.90 for total £231.87.

Mover: Councillor N Jackson                                         Seconder: Councillor A Martin

Resolved: That the Parish Council approve the expenditure of £231.87.69 for refreshments for the event.

180/23. Cenotaph Centenary.

To approve the costs for the event.

Maltby Miners Welfare Band £300

Additional Biscuits £12.50.

Mover: Councillor T Knapton                                        Seconder: Councillor A Martin

Resolved: That the Parish Council approve the expenditure of £312.50 for the brass band and refreshments.

181/23. Planning Application RB2023/1451 - To Erect a Detached Modular Building at the Country Park.

This application has already been granted provisional approval by RMBC and was brought to Council for information purposes. The Council considered the application and no comments are to be made.

182/23. Correspondence.

The following items of correspondence were made available to the parish councillors:-

YLCA White Rose Bulletins.

YLCA Training Programme

NALC Chief Executives’ Bulletins.

YLCA Law & Governance Monthly- note news on PC funding of Churches.

PCC Blog – South Yorkshire Police & Crime Commissioner.

Note of thanks from Thrybergh residents for Centenary Event

Note of thanks from Maltby Miners Welfare band.

183/23. Items of Report.

Ward Councillor Bennett-Sylvester was not present but had sent in his report which was read by the Chair.

Carr Lane - I was contacted by a resident who had put in complaints with no response from the council over standing water on the lane.  As a result, gully grates have now been cleared and two ditches designed for waterflow have been cleaned. I’ve been assured these are now on the annual maintenance schedule. 

Doncaster Road - We’ve had two incidents on the road in November including the tenth wall strike at the Old Rectory since 2017 and a pedestrian knocked down on the zebra crossing, both incidents have been relayed to the bid for a road safety scheme on Doncaster Road which should be in the 2024 council budget.

Deer Park Farm - You have this item on your agenda and have no doubt been informed of the officer decision.  I’ve used my powers to call in this decision to go before the Planning Board and allow the owners to make their case before councillors.  The officer decision is based on the possible impact that retail at Deer Park could have on Rotherham Town Centre.  I intend to attend and speak in support of Deer Park Farm.

Oldgate LaneA site meeting with a highways engineer took place in December over the bottle neck at the bottom of Oldgate and this will be chased up next week.  They are looking at the timings on the lights and the possibility of a box junction on Doncaster Road. Unfortunately, while ever we keep releasing green field sites for large car dependent communities like those at Bramley and Ravenfield rather than urban redevelopment nearer town then this situation will only get worse.

Winter Deep CleanThe sites I submitted for winter works have been accepted.  Start of works has been delayed due to staff being reallocated to flood relief work but should get underway soon.

Ward Housing Budget - Redecorating of Wooton Court should commence Monday of next week using this budget and public notices should have gone up for the installation of a K frame motorcycle barrier on the path from Foxcote Lea to Vale Road.  This barrier is aimed at disrupting a circuit that bikers have established around the Warreners Estate and subject to public comment should be installed soon but this project is only half of what we need due to Thrybergh not receiving a fair allocation of funding from RMBC.

No reports from Clerk other than attending the Christmas celebration event put on by Silverwood Heritage Society at the Colliery Wheel on Saturday evening 16th December. Members of the Maltby Miners Welfare Band played and there was a moving memorial to departed local miners.

The next CAP meeting is on Wednesday 24th January in Thrybergh Parish Hall.

184/23. Requested by Councillors and/or AOB.

Further vandalism to the Cenotaph occurred Tuesday 19th around 7pm with the statues being punched and one of the bayonets bent (again) by youths. It was captured on CCTV and investigations continue.

Ther clerk has also been approached by RMBC about a missing bolt on the gate to Fullerton Fields, the clerk has viewed and it seems that the gate has been kicked open damaging the post and will need a joiner to repair and fit new bolt. It is currently being closed by a wire tie around the post. It was also reported to the Council that the benches outside St Leonard’s Church are showing signs of wear and some wooden slats will need replacing. Therse will be attended to at the same time as the gate repairs. All costs will be reported to Council when we have them.

The clerk advised that we have received notice of a planning application (RMBC 2023/1585) which came in too late for the January agenda. This application is for the demolition of an existing building and erection of a detached bungalow to the rear of Lincome, 151 Doncaster Road. Council studied the approval and no issues were raised other than possible impact on the application to build new properties on the former Fosters site.

The Parish Council is discussing an event to be held in the hall to be run by the Silverwood Heritage Society. This will be a screening of the film Brassed Off alongside a celebration of Silverwood Colliery including items of memorabilia. The event will take place in March with all details currently being finalised.


185/23. Thrybergh Parish Council Budget for 2024/25.

The Budget and Precept for 2024/25 was discussed by the Parish Council with various proposals outlined by the clerk and Chair. The current financial situation for the UK was discussed in detail and all Parish Councillors (who we must remember are volunteers) are aware of the financial pressures that everyone faces but we also have a legal obligation for the Parish Council to be financially secure. The Council has undertaken a great deal of expenditure over recent years to ensure that the Parish Hall meets all building codes and legal requirements as well as putting on more events for the community. It must be reported also that there has been a great deal of vandalism to the hall which has cost the Council a great deal of money to repair! Consideration was also given to the announced increase to the minimum wage which also impacts greatly on the Parish Council staffing costs. Last year’s Internal Audit Report stated that ‘an increase in the precept will be necessary, beginning with the precept for the 2024/2025 financial year. The restoration of general reserves to an amount which is reasonable for a Parish Council of the size of Thrybergh is unlikely to be achieved in one financial year’. Several scenarios were discussed with the minimum deemed necessary for the continuation being a precept of £95,000 which would mean a Band D Parish Council Tax of £105.24 which is an increase of 20.83% giving an increase of £18.14pa over the 2023/24 level of £87.10. This is equivalent to £1.51 per month or 35p per week for a Band D Property.  However, most properties in Thrybergh are in Band A which pay 6/9ths of the Band D Council Tax. The increase is high in percentage terms but equates to an annual increase of £18.14. The clerk also advised that due to the level of the new council tax base the same precept as 23/24 would have given a 2% increase!

Mover: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                                          Seconder: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Resolved: That Thrybergh Parish Council Precept for 2024/24 be approved at £95,000 which means an increase on the precept of 20.83%

186/23. Accounts For Payment.

The Council considered the schedule of accounts for payment for December.

Mover: Councillor A Martin                                        Seconder: Councillor N Jackson

Resolved: That the schedule of accounts for payment be approved and signed by the Chair.

187/23. To Notify The Clerk Of Matters For Inclusion On The Agenda Of The Next Meeting.

No matters were raised.

Date Of Next Meeting

The date of the next parish council meeting will be Thursday 1st February 2024.

Closure of Meeting at 8:26pm.

Chairman's signature confirming the minutes are accurate
