Meeting Minutes 2022 to 2023
December 2022 - Meeting Minutes
Present: Councillors G Trickett (Chair),A Martin(Vice Chair),J Parsons,J Chambers,B Shaw,R Thomas,N Jackson,K Endicott,M Senior & T Knapton There were No Ward Councillors or members of the public in attendence
To recieve apologies for absence given in advance of the meeting
Apologies were recieved from Councillor Bates.
To consider the approval reasons given for absence
Mover: Councillor B Shaw
Seconder: Councillor J Chambers
Resolved: That the councillors apology be accepted by the Parish Council. -
Declaration of interests
There were no Declarations of Interests
Questions from the public
There were no questions from the public.
Minutes of the previous Parish council meeting held on Thursday 3rd November 2022
The chair advised that the minutes contained a small error related to the attendance and apologies which was amended prior to the commencement of the meeting.
Mover: Councillor Martin
Seconder: Councillor B Shaw
Resolved: That the amended minutes of the previous meeting of Thybergh Parish Council,held on Thursday 3rd November be approved as a correct record of the meeting and signed by the Chairman -
Matters Arising
To receive information on the following ongoing issues and decide the actions where necessary.
357/22 – Flood Damage to Kitchen.
All work now completed with including new units,over,cooker hob and fridge plus the installation of a new water cut off switch.
358/22 – Sun Damaged Main Door Window Frames
One window unit has been replaced and anti-sun screen has been fitted to both windows notice boards.
374/22 - Remembrance Sunday Service, 13th November 2022
The event went very well and it was pleasing to see so many children at the service. Thrybergh primary pupils made poppies and Thrybergh Academy sent a wreath which was laid by students of the academy and they would like this to become an annual event for the academy. Letter of thanks have been sent to Rev Terry for taking the serive, Jenny Holbrook for the bugie, and Elizabeth Bentley for playing the organ at the service. Thanks have also been sent to Heads of Thrybergh Primary and Thrybregh Academy for being involved. The Parish Council has discussed street poppies and it was agreed that we would have them in Thrybergh for the Rememberance Service in 2023. It was agreed that the clerk would again approach local schools to see if they wante to be more closerly involved with next years' service which would include them producing poppies for decorating inside the hall and around he Cenotaph and this could even include displays of any coursework relating to the 2 2 World Wars and other conflicts too. The clerk will report back on this at future meetings. The Parish Council Remembrance booklet was also discussed to see if a new updated reprint was required.It is now several years olf and there is a need to change the wording of the National Anthem and we could also take the opportunity to look at the hymns and service content?The clerk will put all of the items on the agenda early in the new year to ensure that everything is in place for the service in 2023. The council Purchased two re-usable remembrance banners for the hall shortly before the service on 13th November and all those in the hall after the service commented on how good they were.
Mover:Councillr T Knapton
Seconder: Councillor A Martin
Resolved: That the parish Council authorise the purchasing of the banner at £13.99 -
375/22 - Aladdin Pantomime at the Parish Hall Saturday 10th December
The show is on aturday the 10th December with doors opening at 13:00 with the show to start at 13:30. All provision have been bought except for cake and crisps which will be sourced this week. As with last year, all refreshments will be free and there will be some small sweets for the children.We only have a few tickets left and these are expected to be sold this week.
The Clerk is toe complete a risk assesment this week and there will be 2 event stewards and 2 fire stewards on duty for public safety. -
380/22 - Recent Vandalism To Parish Hall External Lighting
The recabling work has been done but there were a number of issues with the work as the cabling should hav been much higher to prevent tampering and criminal damage.Ratification work has begun and all work will be completed on Wednesday 7th December .The light wires were vandalised by a local schoolboy and the council has been advised he has been given a restorative order which includes community service but details of what this means has now been revealed to ths council. -
394/22 - The Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III Coronation -
King Charles III's coronation is to take place on Saturday 6th May 2023 at west minster Abbey and there will be an additional bank holiday on Monday 8th May. The Parish Council discussed several idea's, including another painting competition which the local school children enjoyed so much last year, which attracted 217 entries and this will be discussed of the next meeting or two. It was felt by the Parish Counil that the ideal way to celebrate would be to book a children's entertainer for Monday afternoon with ligt refreshments and music for them to dance to maybe even som party games. The clerk will check on the availability and this will be discussed/finalised at the January meeting.
Police Report
Ther clerk advised that the police report compiled for Rotherham North had not yet been updated so the latest figures are for September and were reported at last month's meeting. The clerk then reported crime information from the November CAP Meeting with,in genera,the year-on-year statistics showing a slight increase in crime in our area (just 5 statistics).All wards showed an increase except for Hoober & Kilnhurst/Swinton and the statistics for Dalton,Thrybergh and East Herringthorpe ward look very good in coparioson to the rest of the wards. Vehicle Crime remains a concern in all areas South Yorkshire Police are tacking issues about women's safety and were at Lidl in Dalton recently giving out advise ,personal alarms et. Womem's defence classes wee discussed as well as possiblilities for funding with Ward Councillor Barker-Rogers advising the possibility of an increase on her recent offer of £250 funding.The Paperwork must be submitted by the clerk before the end of the finanicla year which also falls in line with the nights getting lighter making it more secure for wome to attend the hall in the evening. Theyrbergh Academy was discussed with reports of children fighting outside the school.The police intend to visit the school and discuss these and other issues.The issue of parking and congestion outside schools was discussed and raised with RMBC for action. We have recieved some statitic from SYP relating to teh telephone traffic for emergency numbers in October with 26,816 999 calls and 27,634 101 calls being recieved.The response time was 8 seconds for 999 and 8:19 for 101. The Chair then read out a letter from the South Yorkshire Police Crime Commissioner which has launched a consultation to seek view on policing priorities and willingness to contribute more through the council tax portion that is paid for policing and crime services.The Commissioner is looking for the public to advise priorities and any potential areas for savings. The consulation will aso ask if residents are willing to pay a small ammount more in council tax to maintain policing and crime services.These police budget for the current year (2022/23) is around £310m. This is made up of a government allocation of funding (74%) plus money that is raised from council tax precept(26%)/Due to levles of inflation the PCC will need to raise more money next year to simply continue with the same level of service. To have your sy on policing priorities and indicate the amount that you would be willing to pay to maintain policing servces please complete the short survey. Policing Priorities
Planning Application RB2022/1671
Celebration of the centenary of the Thybergh War Memorial
To consider the follow new Correspondence received and decide what action where necessary
- YCLA White Rose Bulletins
- YLCA Training Bulletin
- YLCA Civility and Respect newsletter.
- Dalton & Thrybergh Neighbourhood News.
- NALC Chief Executive's bulletin
- December Neighbourhood Newsletter.
Items of Report
To recieve,consider and decide upon any items of report
Matters requested by Councilors and/or AOB
Press and public asked to leave the meeting -
Thrybergh Parish Council Budget for 2023/24
To advise the council on and to discuss the budget for the financial year 2023/24
Stone Bench at Thrybergh County Park/h4>
to discuss and consider cost of the stone bench and donation to be granted toward the cost
Accounts for Payment
To consider and approve accounts for payment February
To notify the Clerk of matters for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting.
To confirm the date of the next Parish Council meeting
Thursday 5th January 2023 starting at 18:30.