Meeting Minutes 2022 to 2023
October 2023 - Meeting Minutes
Held On Thursday 5th October 2023
At the Parish Hall, Park Lane, Thrybergh (6.30pm start)
Present: - Councillors G Trickett (Chair), A Martin, R Thomas, T Knapton, J Chambers, M Senior & B Shaw (part-time).
Also present Ward Councillors Baker-Rogers & Bennett-Sylvester. There were no members of the public.
124/23. Apologies For Absence
Apologies were received from Councillor Bates and Councillor Parsons.
125/23. Approval of Reason Given for Absence
Mover: Councillor A Martin
Seconder: Councillor R Thomas
Resolved: That the councillor’s apologies be accepted by the Parish Council.
126/23. Declaration Of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
127/23. Questions From The Public
There were no questions from the public.
128/23. Minutes of the Previous Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 7th September 2023
Mover: Councillor R Thomas
Seconder: Councillor A Martin
Resolved: That the minutes of the previous meeting of Thrybergh Parish Council held on Thursday 7th September be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
129/23. Matters Arising from Previous Meetings of the Parish Council
The following matters arising were discussed:-
394/22 - The Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III Coronation – The clerk advised that the plaque for the Rowan Tree planted outside the parish hall has been ordered and will be put in place when delivered. Councillor Chambers then showed two designs for the accompanying art piece relating to the origin of the rowan tree which will be placed in the parish hall. The council chose one design with the second to be retained either for use within the hall or to be framed and placed next to the tree as it grows. It was agreed that the clerk would send a letter of thanks to the artist for her work and the sending of flowers was also discussed.
Mover: Councillor R Thomas
Seconder: Councillor A Martin
Resolved: That the parish council send flowers up to the value of £25.00 to the artist.
The clerk will arrange for art to be framed with the cost to be approved at the November meeting.
121/23. HSBC Bank – The clerk updated the parish council on a meeting with HSBC to amend our account with them but this is taking longer than anticipated. It was agreed that if HSBC continue to be intransigent then the account will be closed and moved to another bank with an update to be given at the next meeting.
113/23. Remembrance Sunday Service at the Parish Hall on Sunday 12th November - Revd Helen Terry has confirmed she will take the service and Jennie Ogden will play the bugle. We are having a problem getting a keyboard player as Liz Bentley is unable to get to the hall on Sunday morning. Councillor Chambers said that she may be able to collect her but will not know until nearer the day. The clerk said that he had contacted Sally Glennon and she may be able to do it and will advise shortly. Another option would be to arrange a taxi for Liz Bentley and this will be done if Sally Glennon is not available.
The clerk has ordered the 50 street furniture poppies and has been in touch with the schools to be involved in putting them up and if they also want to be involved in the hall decoration. The poppies will be placed on Park Lanel, close to the schools and Doncaster Road. The clerk also informed the council about ‘soldier’ lamppost signs which can be placed on the entrance points to Thrybergh which are available from the RBL at £4.95 each. It was discussed that we would need 8 with a cost of £39.60.
Mover: Councillor A Martin
Seconder: Councillor T Knapton
Resolved: That 8 street signs be ordered from the RBL at a cost of £39.60.
The hall will be decorated on Saturday 11th November with Union Flags and relevant artwork and a decision will be taken afterwards whether they should stay up for the Centenary celebrations or taken down and put back up before the event. Light refreshments to be served in the hall after the service and wreath laying ceremony.
114/23. Event to Commemorate the Cenotaph Centenary to be held Friday 15th December 2023
The clerk has been in touch with RBL and Rotherham MVCV (based at Silverwood) to get them engaged with the event and will also be contacting the local Royal Signals representative. The timetable is still be finalised but we will start at the Cenotaph at 7:30pm with Rvd Terry (St Leonard’s) and Fr Sexton (St Gerards) conducting a short service of dedication followed by hymns, Remembering, Last Post, Two Minutes Silence, Reveille, Gresford (The Miners Hymn), Kohima Exhortation and the National Anthem with accompaniment from Maltby brass band concluding with a Blessing from Fr Des & Rev Helen. We then move back into the hall for a hot drinks, mince pies etc and remainder of the brass band set and then a seasonal sing-along from the local Lost Chord team. The parish hall bar will be open throughout and the clerk is working on a poster which will be put out shortly.
Councillor B Shaw then joined the meeting.
107/23. Visit by Becky Dickinson, Trees & Woodland Engagement Officer at Thrybergh Country Park – The planting of dwarf fruit trees has been agreed by RMBC and these will be planted along the path behind the parish hall and on Fullerton field beside the stone wall on Vale Road. It was also agreed that the planned cherry blossom in memory of Her Late Majesty now be ordered for planting outside the parish hall. The clerk will revert with full costs at the November meeting.
130/23. Police Report
The police statistics for July were distributed and discussed by council, these figures show 44 incidents in Thrybergh and 867 in total for Rotherham North. These are the amended figures for those advised at the September meeting.
131/23. New Bottle Cooler for Parish Hall Bar
It was reported at the September meeting that one of the bottle coolers in the bar was no longer working and permission was given to purchase a new one. This has now been done with the cooler being bought from Cater-Kwik and is now in place in the bar.
Mover: Councillor M Senior
Seconder: Councillor R Thomas
Resolved: That the purchase of the cooler is approved at a cost of £299.94 plus £59.99 VAT with total cost being £359.93.
132/23. RMBC Planning Application RB2023/1214
The parish council considered the planning application to undertake pruning work to a Sycamore on School Lane that requires substantial pruning as it is interfering with overhead cables and overhangs onto the road and neighbouring gardens. The council accepts the need for pruning and made no comment.
133/23. Correspondence
The following items of correspondence were made available to the parish councillors:-
YLCA White Rose Bulletins.
YLCA Training Programme
NALC Chief Executives’ Bulletins.
Dalton & Thrybergh Neighbourhood News
Neighbourhood Newsletter for October.
134/23. Items of Report
Ward Councillor Bennett-Sylvester reported that several overgrown paths have been put forward for clearing and weeding which include the path from Vale Road to the Bill Winder play area, Poplar Avenue to Mungy Lane on Doncaster Road, Well Drive and Finch Close to Vale Road and South Vale Grove to Park Lane and, hopefully, these will be included in the clearing works. There is a meeting next week to discuss the development money due to our area as part of the levy for the development for the Chester Hill and Whinneyhill sites which should be allocated to wards the development of local children’s play areas. Further bad news on the busses with notification that the 116 will move to a 2 hourly service on Sundays and in the evenings from 29th October. There are also community liaison events planned to discuss the re-decoration of Wootton Court centre including surrounding CCTV and discussions continue on traffic calming plans for Doncaster Road. The proposed naming of the development land at St Leonards Avenue as Palmer Place has been accepted by RMBC.
Ward Councillor Baker-Rogers then outlined the meetings, inspections and committees chaired including surgeries she has attended.
The clerk attended the Community Action Plan (CAP) Meeting Monday 2nd October along with both ward councillors, officers from RMBC and South Yorkshire Police. Items under discussion were recent incidents of fires being lit by youngsters in our local woods with the Fire Service having been called out to them and off-road bikes on Vale Road. There has been an increase in anti-social behaviour on the Pingles estate with pre-teens being the main offenders and this is being closely monitored.
There is to be another community day at Thrybergh Country Park Thursday 26th October 4pm to 7pm which includes Halloween activities including the building of birdboxes and a scary walk, all are invited to participate and bring along their children.
The next CAP meeting will be Thursday 2nd November, the Clerk’s meeting on Tuesday 10th October and the Neighbourhood Network meeting on Wednesday 8th November. The next YLCA South Yorkshire Branch meeting is on 25th October and there will be a Joint Executive Board meeting on Saturday 20th October which Councillor Shaw will be unable to attend.
135/23. Requested by Councillors and/or AOB
The clerk reported on vandalism to the Cenotaph which occurred at 6pm on Tuesday 26th September with one of the ‘bayonets’ being broken off. This was captured by CCTV which showed several children climbing the Cenotaph with a very small boy doing the damage. Footage was shown to the councillors and local schools to identify those involved. The incident has been reported to the police and investigations continue. It was decided to attempt to repair the damage in time for the Remembrance Sunday service and further discussions will continue on measures to protect the Cenotaph from further such acts. A question was asked about levels of vandalism from young children and what parents were doing to prevent this and the clerk reported that the latest Police Blog from the SYP Crime Commissioner informs that SYP had recently visited the Meadowhall Centre and found 55 children who were truant from school with most being with parents or family members and the Children’s Commissioner has reported that last year a quarter of pupils (22.9%) were persistently absent from the classroom in our region which is also reflected nationally.
A letter of thanks from St Leonard’s Church has been received for the recent grant awarded by the parish council towards the upkeep of Thrybergh cemetery on Thrybergh Lane.
136/23. Accounts For Payment
The Council considered the schedule of accounts for payment for September.
Mover: Councillor A Martin
Seconder: Councillor M Senior
Resolved: That the schedule of accounts for payment be approved and signed by the Chair.
137/23. To Notify The Clerk Of Matters For Inclusion On The Agenda Of The Next Meeting
No matters were raised.
Date Of Next Meeting
The date of the next parish council meeting will be Thursday 2nd November starting at 6:30pm.
Closure of Meeting at 8:30m.