Meeting Minutes 2022 to 2023
September 2023 Meeting Minutes
Minutes of a Meeting of Thrybergh Parish Council
Held On Thursday 7th September 2023
At the Parish Hall, Park Lane, Thrybergh (6.30pm start).
Present: - Councillors G Trickett (Chair), A Martin, B Shaw, R Thomas, T Knapton, N Jackson, J Parsons, D Bates & M Senior.
Also present Ward Councillor M Bennett-Sylvester & Becky Dickinson, Trees & Woodland Engagement Officer at Thrybergh Country Park.
There was one member of the public present.
102/23. Apologies For Absence.
There were no apologies.
103/23. Approval of Reason Given for Absence.
There were no apologies.
104/23. Declaration Of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
105/23. Questions From The Public.
The Thrybergh resident asked about the possibility of the parish council putting a second flower planter outside St Leonard’s church to complement the one already in place. This has previously been discussed by the council and will be an agenda item early next year to discuss putting in another one in time for the spring.
106/23. Minutes of the Previous Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 6th July 2023.
Mover: Councillor M Senior
Seconder: Councillor A Martin
Resolved: hat the minutes of the previous meeting of Thrybergh Parish Council held on Thursday 6th July be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
107/23. Visit by Becky Dickinson, Trees & Woodland Engagement Officer at Thrybergh Country Park.
Becky attended the addressed the council meeting to discuss proposed tree planting and a potential community orchard for Thrybergh. She had visited several sites with the clerk on Wednesday 6th September with areas on Hollings Lane field, Vale Road and around the parish hall suggested as possibilities for trees and approx. 6 dwarf fruit trees. It was also discussed that several trees could be planted to try to alleviate damp areas on the ‘plantation’ between Musgrove Avenue and Springfield Drive. Becky Dickinson will revert with proposals shortly.
108/23. Matters Arising from Previous Meetings of the Parish Council.
The following matters arising were discussed:-
394/22 - The Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III Coronation – Update on plaque for the Rowan Tree planted as part of the Parish Council celebrations. The clerk has discussed the plaque with MS Sports which will be similar in design to that done for the Silverwood Colliery Wheel. The plan is for a border with a stylised emblem of a Rowan at each corner and the wording ‘This Rowan (Sorbus Aucuparia) was planted by Thrybergh Parish Council to commemorate the Coronation of King Charles III on 6th May 2023’. Awaiting final costs which will be brought to council when finalised.
089/23 - Grant Request from Thrybergh Primary School – The school has now advised that that they have all of the required funding in place for the schoolyard furniture so a grant not needed at this time but they may/will request a future grant towards a ‘sensory’ room that they are considering.
109/23. Police Report.
The police statistics for May, June and July were distributed and discussed by council. These figures show 42 incidents in Thrybergh and 774 in Rotherham North for May, 51 in Thrybergh and 845 in Rotherham North for June and 40 in Thrybergh and 867 in Rotherham North for July. These figures continue to follow the established patterns for the area with violence, anti-social behaviour, public order and criminal damage being the main issues. Fly-tipping and off-road bikes remains an issue as does speed on our roads with many cyclists driving too fast and provocatively in the area. There have been several incidents involving motorcycles on Park Lane recently which were discussed by council.
110/23. Resignation of a Thrybergh Parish Councillor.
The chair read out the resignation letter from councillor Karl Endicott as he felt he could no longer fulfil his duties due to time constraints and a new fitness club he was working with on Thursday evenings. The councillors discussed his resignation which they were sad to receive and requested that a letter of thanks for his service be sent by the clerk to Mr Endicott.
Mover: Councillor A Martin
Seconder: Councillor R Thomas
Resolved: That Thrybergh Parish Council accept the resignation of councillor Endicott.
111/23. Proposed New Building Development on Fosters Site and attached Green Belt Land – RMBC Planning Applications RB2023/1030 & RB2023/1003.
The Parish Council discussed the proposals to develop 40 homes on the former Fosters site by Avant Homes at the July meeting (minute 083/23). It was agreed that this would be good for the area but there was concern about the potential plans for a further 351 homes on green belt land behind Fosters and St Gerard’s school. Planning applications for the Fosters site have now been submitted with the development reduced to 32 homes and the council still has reservations about the impact on traffic as Doncaster Road remains a very busy road with many drivers continuing to exceed the speed limit. It is also felt that the local infrastructure will also struggle in terms of school places, shops etc. Further clarification on these points is needed but the parish council believe that this development is necessary. However, the council remans firmly against the proposed plans for a further 351 homes on green belt land with the only access road being through the Fosters site. A planning application has not yet been submitted and will be discussed by the parish Council when it is put in.
112/23. D-Day 80th Anniversary on 6th June 2024.
The clerk outlined planned events to mark the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings next year and the council discussed how to commemorate the day at Thrybergh. After discussions, it was decided that a flag or banner would be on display outside the hall. The clerk will make enquiries about what is available and this will be decided on closer to the date of the event.
113/23. Remembrance Sunday Service at the Parish Hall on Sunday 12th November.
Revd Helen Terry has confirmed she will again be taking the service and we are currently awaiting confirmation that the regular keyboard player and bugler will also attend.
The parish council agreed to place poppies on street furniture in Thrybergh and the clerk will contact the local schools to see if they want to be involved with placing the poppies. These poppies are available from the RBL at a price of £4 each.
Mover: Councillor M Senior
Seconder: Councillor A Martin
Resolved: That Thrybergh Parish Council purchase 50 poppies at a total cost of £200.
If the schools want to be involved then 10 each will be given to the 4 schools with the council also having 10. The clerk will liaise with the schools on where these poppies are placed with Doncaster Road, Park Lane and Hollings Lane plus the schools and church areas to be covered. The schools will also be asked if they want to take part in the service and if they are interested in putting up any displays in the hall. Light refreshments to be served in the hall after the service and wreath laying ceremony.
114/23. Event to Commemorate the Cenotaph Centenary to be held Friday 15th December 2023.
The event will start at 7:30pm on Friday evening with a short dedication at the Cenotaph led by Revd Helen Terry and Fr Desmond Sexton. Maltby Brass Band will play a selection of appropriate songs at the service and then will relocate to the hall where the music will continue and finish with some seasonal tunes. The local organisation Lost Chord will then provide sing-along music for the rest of the evening. Free light refreshments will be served after the cenotaph service and the bar will be open for the purchase of beverages. Local military organisations will shortly be contacted by the clerk to invite them to the event and it will be advertised to make as many aware of the event as possible.
115/23. Correspondence.
The following items of correspondence were made available to the parish councillors:-
YLCA White Rose Bulletins.
YLCA Training Programme
NALC Chief Executives’ Bulletins.
Dalton & Thrybergh Neighbourhood News
YLCA Remembrance Sunday Parades and Services.
Letter of Thanks from Yorkshire Air Ambulance.
Police Blog 166
Civility & Respect Newsletter
YLCA Law & Governance Briefing
116/23. Items of Report.
Ward Councillor Baker-Rogers was unable to attend tonight but she sent a report of the meetings that she had attended as well as local surgeries undertaken as part of her civic duties. She also advised that she is trying to establish a uniform bank in the ward. If any Parish Councillors or residents have any items of clothing particularly black trousers to donate then can they please contact her or the clerk.
The chair and clerk attended the installation of the Reverend Helen Terry as priest in charge of Bramley and Thrybergh and Oversight Minister in the Silverwood Mission Area on Tuesday 5th September at St Francis Church Bramley.
The clerk attended CAP meetings on 10th July & Wednesday 30th August where local crime levels were discussed with RMBC staff and police. This included the usual issues of off-road and motorcycles, speeding, drugs and fly-tipping. He also attended a joint RMBC/YLCA Code of Conduct Training session Wednesday 6th September at Todwick Village Hall.
Ward Councillor Bennet-Sylvester began by informing council of the recent death of Des Jenkinson of SYP who most Thrybergh residents will know through his work with the police in our local community and the council expressed their condolences to the passing of a great man.
The ward councillor expressed his dismay of the scaling back of developments at Thrybergh Country Park and he will be taking this up with RMBC.
The Local Road Safety Fund is open again and he is to resubmit his build for further traffic calming measures on Doncaster Road. This is a repeat of last year’s bid which was unsuccessful but further work has now been done on the bid including new road accident statistics and the initial feedback appears to be positive.
Work is being done in Thrybergh in several areas to put up new fencing to stop bike trespass and Wootton Court Community Building is to be redecorated.
117/23. Requested by Councillors and/or AOB.
A request has been received from RMBC for proposals for the naming of land at St Leonards Avenue. This was discussed by council and it was agreed that the council would support the name of Palmer Place or similar which has been proposed by Ward Councillor Bennett-Sylvester. Melvyn Palmer was a former teacher at Thrybergh School and was also a senior lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University.
The chair read out a letter from former councillor Endicott in which he has very reluctantly had to cancel his hall booking on Tuesday for his Boxercise classes due to a very low level of attendance. The equipment will remain in the parish hall in case needed by Mr Endicott in the future.
The clerk advised that the pantomime tickets have now arrived and it was agreed that the format for the event would follow that of previous years. All details to be clarified at the October meeting.
It was then advised that the small bar cooler is no longer working and needs to be replaced and the flush system in the men’s toilet has also broken and needs replacing too. The permission to proceed was given by council and the clerk will advise costs at the October meeting.
118/23 - A Report from The Staffing Committee Relating to the Clerk’s Annual Assessment.
The staff committee met at 6pm on 7th September to perform the clerk’s annual assessment. The report was given to council that the clerk was performing all duties with distinction and this was accepted by full council.
119/23 - Grant Request from St Leonard’s Church.
The parish council has received a grant request from St Leonard’s Church for financial help in the upkeep of the cemetery on Back Lane.
Mover: Councillor M Senior
Seconder: Councillor A Martin
Resolved: That the Parish Council award a grant of £500 to St Leonard’s Church for cemetery upkeep. All councillors in favour.
120/23. Parish Accounts for 2022/23.
The clerk advised that the accounts for financial year 2023/23 have now been approved and signed off by the external accountants PKF Littlejohn. No issues were raised by the accountants.
121/23. Parish Council Savings Account at HSBC Bank, Rotherham.
The clerk and chair informed council of issues with paying money into the HSBC due to the closure of in-bank business accounts. The clerk has now set up a meeting with HSBC on Monday 11th September to open a new account to allow monies to be paid in by bank card. The clerk will update council at the October meeting.
122/23. Accounts For Payment.
The Council considered the schedule of accounts for payment June.
Mover: Councillor A Martin
Seconder: Councillor J Chambers
Resolved: That the schedule of accounts for payment be approved and signed by the Chair.
Resolved: That the schedule of accounts for payment be approved and signed by the Chair.
123/23. To Notify The Clerk Of Matters For Inclusion On The Agenda Of The Next Meeting.
Councillor Parsons advised that she would not be attending the October meeting due to holidays.
Date Of Next Meeting
The date of the next parish council meeting will be Thursday 5th October starting at 6:30pm.
Closure of Meeting at 8:19m.
Glen L Trickett