Meeting Minutes 2022 to 2023
July 2023 Meeting Minutes
Minutes of a Meeting of Thrybergh Parish Council
Held On Thursday 6th July 2023
At the Parish Hall, Park Lane, Thrybergh (6.30pm start).
Present: - Councillors G Trickett (Chair), A Martin, B Shaw, J Chambers, J Parson, D Bates & M Senior.
Also present Ward Councillor J Baker-Rogers & Kevin Burke, RMBC Countryside & Ecology Manager.
There were no members of the public present.
074/23. Apologies For Absence.
Apologies were received from Councillors R Thomas, N Jackson & T Knapton.
075/23. Approval of Reason Given for Absence.
Mover: Councillor A Martin
Seconder: Councillor J Chambers
Resolved: That the councillor’s apologies be accepted by the Parish Council.
076/23. Declaration Of Interest
Councillor Trickett expressed an interest in agenda item 25, Hall Secretary Expenses.
077/23. Questions From The Public
The we no members of the public present.
078/23. Minutes of the Previous Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 1st June 2023.
Mover: Councillor A Martin
Seconder: Councillor G Trickett
It was advised that, due to a spreadsheet error, the wrong costs for the Coronation party were passed on minute 065/23 at the June meeting. The costs passed were £401.57 but should have been £503.34. This was accepted by council.
Resolved: That the minutes of the previous meeting of Thrybergh Parish Council with this rectification, held on Thursday 1st June be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
079/23. Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting (Annual Assembly) held on Thursday 6th April.
Mover: Councillor J Parsons
Seconder: Councillor D Bates
Resolved: That the minutes of the Annual previous meeting of Thrybergh Parish Council, held on Thursday 6th April be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
080/23. Thrybergh Country Park.
Kevin Burke joined the meeting in his capacity as RMBC Countryside & Ecology Manager to update the Council of developments and plans at the Country Park. He advised on the upcoming Open Water Championships taking place in the park with national events for Under 18’s and master’s categories which should bring more than 1000 competitors and spectators with the Park is developing a growing reputation as a swimming venue. Work continues to improve footpaths around and leading to the park as well as further work on Hope Fields. The café should transfer to the Ice Cream Parlour in October and, funding permitted, work will begin on the new café building October/November. There are now 4 full-time rangers and planned part-time staff for the summer. Kevin is also involved in tree planting in the Borough and we discussed planting of trees and hedgerows around the Hollings Lane football pitch. The clerk and Chair will have a separate meeting to discuss this matter further with Kevin. The Chair thanked Kevin for attending and the intention is for the Parish Council to work more closely with the Country Park team.
081/23. Matters Arising from Previous Meetings of the Parish Council.
The following matters arising were discussed:-
394/22 – The Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III – The wording and design for the plaque to be placed next to the Rowan tree was discussed and agreed and the clerk will now arrange it with the final costs to be confirmed at the September meeting.
041/23 Women’s Self-Defence Class – It was advised that the Parish Council had only received three expressions of interest in attending a class in the hall which was not enough and this item is now closed.
071/23. Planning Application RB2022/0562 – The application to increase car parking at Deer Park Farm has been given conditional approval by RMBC.
044/23. Planning Application RB2022/0534 – The application to build a garage and link extension at 177C Doncaster Road has been given conditional approval by RMBC.
043/23. Planning Application RB2022/0462 – The application to build a two-storey side and rear extension, formation of rooms in roof space with dormer window to rear and single storey link extension to existing outbuilding at Grafton 140 Doncaster Road has been given conditional approval by RMBC.
066/23. New Union Flag For the Parish Hall – Flag now purchased and delivered.
082/23. Police Report.
The police statistics for April show 41 incidents for Thrybergh and 755 across Rotherham North. May figures are expected very shortly and are expected to follow a similar pattern with the worst stats being violence, anti-social behaviour, public order and criminal damage.
083/23. Proposed New Building Development on Fosters Site and Attached Green Belt Land.
The Parish Council discussed the proposals to develop 40 homes on the former Fosters site by Avant Homes. It was agreed that this would be good for the area but there was great concern about the potential plans for a further 351 homes on green belt land behind Fosters and St Gerard’s school. It was discussed that there are many reasons why the second phase should not go ahead which included its impact in terms of traffic build up and road safety on an already very busy A630. Other issues include impact on local schools, doctors, dentists etc and noise issues with the proposed homes being very close to the steelworks. Planning permission has not yet been sought and we will discuss further on a future agenda item when details are released.
084/23. Planning Applications for Deer Park Farm.
RB2023/0779 - Application to remove temporary conditions imposed on use of premises as a bar.
RB2023/0827 - Application to change use of storage buildings to deli shop.
RB2023/0829 - Application to change use of buildings to retail/antiques emporium unit.
RB2023/0830- Application to change use to retail unit with a portion of warehousing and store use.
These applications were discussed by the Parish Council and no issues were raised.
085/23. Planning Application RB2023/0743.
The application to erect a two-storey extension, first/second floor extension, detached outbuilding and alteration to car park to Alexandra Nursing Home on Doncaster Road was discussed by the Parish Council and no issues raised.
086/23. Renewal of Insurance policy with Zurich Municipal.
Mover: Councillor M Senior
Seconder: Councillor D Bates
Resolved: That the Parish Council renew the policy for 2023/24 with Zurich Municipal with a three-year deal at £1603.54 (no vat) which is a discount of £163.22 on the original one-year offer of £1766.76
087/23. Lost Chord UK.
Mover: Councillor A Martin
Seconder: Councillor M Senior
Resolved: That the Parish Council offer the hall free of charge to Lost Chord for a monthly 2-hour session. Date and time to be confirmed.
088/23. Grant Request from Yorkshire Air Ambulance.
Councillor Senior proposed a grant of £350 but this did not receive a seconder.
Mover: Councillor A Martin
Seconder: Councillor J Chambers
Resolved: That the Parish Council award a grant of £250 to the Yorkshire Air Ambulance.
089/23. Grant Request from Thrybergh Primary School.
The Parish Council has received a request for a grant from Thrybergh Primary School/Friends Of Thrybergh Primary as they are fund raising for new playground markings. It was noted that there now appeared to be markings in place so the clerk will check if the grant is still required and, if so, will forward on the Parish Council grant application forms. This will then be discussed at the September meeting.
090/23. New Crockery for Kitchen & Bar.
Mover: Councillor D Bates
Seconder: Councillor A Martin
Resolved: That the Parish Council purchase of new crockery for the kitchen and bar be approved with one abstention. Supplied by Quando Drinks at a cost of £ £388.65 plus VAT. There was one abstention.
091/23. New Radiator for Cleaning Room.
Mover: Councillor D Bates
Seconder: Councillor B Shaw
Resolved: That the Parish Council approve the purchase of a new radiator to replace the leaking one in the cleaning room. Supplied and fitted by West Joinery & Building at a cost of £410 (no VAT).
092/23. Vandalism to Silverwood Colliery Wheel.
The clerk advised on a recent incident of air rifle pellet damage and graffiti being daubed on the Silverwood Colliery Wheel. The obscene graffiti has been removed by RMBC and a police incident has been raised but further action will not be taken due to lack of witnesses to the incident.
093/23. Damage to Parish Hall Path on the Vale Road Side of the hall.
The clerk advised on further vandalism damage to the path around the parish hall. The incident was caught on CCTV and the culprits identified as former pupils of Thrybergh Academy.
Mover: Councillor J Chambers
Seconder: Councillor A Martin
Resolved: That the Parish Council approve the repairs to the path done by West Joinery & Building at a cost of £460 (no VAT).
094/23 – RMBC Civility & Respect Pledge.
The clerk advised the Parish Council on the new initiative towards promoting Civility & Respect within Parish Council which has been brought in by NALC due to issues with disrespectful behaviour and harassment within the Parish Council sector and RMBC has asked Parish Councils to sign up to the pledge. This was discussed by the Parish Council and it was felt that our Standing Orders and current Code Of Conduct were sufficient to cover any issues that could arise. It was decided that there was no need to sign the pledge currently but it can be reconsidered if the need should arise.
095/23. Correspondence.
The following items of correspondence were made available to the parish councillors:-
YLCA White Rose Bulletins.
YLCA Training Programme
NALC Chief Executives’ Bulletins.
Dalton & Thrybergh Neighbourhood News
SYP - South Yorkshire Violence Reduction Unit – Spotlight on a Safer South Yorkshire.
096/23. Items of Report.
Ward Councillor Baker-Rogers attended numerous meetings with RMBC and agencies during the month as well as attending surgeries in Thrybergh and Dalton. Some of the meetings involved chairing the Audit Committee meeting, attending Health & Welfare Inspections and the Improving Lives Select Committee as well as the Working Group on Fostering and is always available to be contacted with any issues that residents have.
The clerk attended the Dalton & Thrybergh CAP meeting with some of the issues discussed being the increase in off-road bike activity, the use of e-scooters, fly tipping and rough sleepers and begging in the area. The clerk also attended the YLCA South Yorkshire Branch Annual where Councillor Shaw was re-elected onto the JEB board. Items discussed were planning issues, speeding and off-road vehicles and there was a presentation from members of the Rotherham Youth Cabinet on issues of interest to what young people in the area want and need. He also went to the RMBC Clerk’s Meeting with issues being an update on SLCC matters, Councillors register of interests and a proposed disciplinary panel. The next meeting will be on Monday 10th July.
097/23. Requested by Councillors and/or AOB.
It was advised that the 80th anniversary of D-Day will be commemorated on 6th June 2024 and there are a series of nationwide events being planned. It was discussed that the Parish Council will mark this momentous occasion and it will be discussed further at the September meeting.
It was discussed that RMBC are bringing in a new system for emptying street litter bins which will still be done weekly but a new system is planned to report full bins. More detail will be reported when we have it.
Investigations continue into problems caused by Virgin Media Cable Works in our area.
It was reported that the hanging baskets and planter outside St Leonard’s Church were all now in place.
The clerk reported that YLCA are considering offering training courses in Carbon Literacy for Parish Councillors.
The clerk reported that there is a new Data Protection Guidance for Parish and Town Councillors which has been produced following a recommendation of the Standards and Ethics Committee. This is provided with a view to assisting in relation to the handling of confidential information in line with the Code of Conduct and copies were made available to Councillors.
098/23. Hall Secretary Expenses.
Mover: Councillor M Senior
Seconder: Councillor D Bates
Resolved: That the Parish Council approve an increase in expense allowance from £1000pa to £1200pa with immediate effect.
099/23. Appointment of New Litter Picker.
Mover: Councillor D Bates
Seconder: Councillor B Shaw
Resolved: That the Parish Council appoint Mr James Shortall to the position of Litter Picker for Thrybergh Parish Council effective Monday 10th July.
100/23. Accounts For Payment.
The Council considered the schedule of accounts for payment June.
Mover: Councillor A Martin
Seconder: Councillor J Chambers
Resolved: That the schedule of accounts for payment be approved and signed by the Chair.
101/23. To Notify The Clerk Of Matters For Inclusion On The Agenda Of The Next Meeting.
No matters were raised.
Date Of Next Meeting
The date of the next parish council meeting will be Thursday 7th September starting at 6:30pm.
Closure of Meeting at 8:57m.
Glen L Trickett