Meeting Minutes 2022 to 2023

March 2023 - Meeting Minutes

Date:2nd March 2023
Location: Parish Hall, Park Lane, Thrybergh

Present: - Councillors G Trickett (Chair), A Martin, J Parsons, J Chambers (part time), R Thomas (part time), K Endicott (part time) & T Knapton.

There were no Ward Councillors or members of the public present.

Apologies For Absence.

Apologies were received from Councillor D Bates & Nicola Jackson.

Approval of Reason Given for Absence.

Mover: Councillor A Martin                       Seconder: Councillor J Chambers

Resolved: That the councillor's apologies be accepted by the Parish Council.

Declaration Of Interest

Councillor G Trickett expressed an interest in Agenda item 17 (Hire of Hall Charges).

Questions From The Public.

There were no questions from the public.

(Councillor K Endicott joined the meeting).

Minutes of the Previous Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 2nd February 2023.

Mover: Councillor J Chambers                  Seconder: Councillor A Martin

Resolved: That the minutes of the previous meeting of Thrybergh Parish Council, held on Thursday 2nd February be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

Matters Arising from Previous Meetings of the Parish Council.

The following matters arising were discussed: -

The Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III
The parish council is celebrating the Coronation with a children's party in the parish Hal on Monday 8th May from 2pm to 5pm. Entertainment will be from Barney Baloney, ventriloquist, magician and comedian. We will play music allowing the children to dance or run around before and after the performance. There will be party games throughout the afternoon and refreshments will be provided. The hall will be decorated with Union Flags and there will be a new, official portrait of the King displayed in the hall. This will be a free event for the people of Thrybergh but will be ticketed so that we know how many children will attend. The Thrybergh primary schools have been advised and are to promote it in the school newsletter. The parish council will also Rowan tree close to the Cenotaph with we 10th March with final costs to be passed at the April meeting. The clerk is investigating to see if an electrical power point can be fitted so that lights can be arranged on the tree for special events and will revert in April.There was a short discussion on the purchase of a party lighting system for the stage which would then be available for future events and the clerk will investigate further and advise details at the April meeting.

Celebration of the Centenary of the Thrybergh War Memorial
The centenary of the Cenotaph is Friday 15th December 2023 and there will be a short service of dedication at the Cenotaph at 7:30pm led by Rev Helen Terry from St Leonard's Church and Fr. Des Sexton from St Gerard's Church. Malty Brass Band will play at the dedication and then will play a 45-minute concert in the hall to include appropriate military tunes and Christmas themed songs. After the brass band has finished the evening will conclude with seasonal music from Lost Chord UK which is a community singing society that is currently operating in St Gerard's Church and other halls in the area. Light refreshments will be available and the parish bar will be open. The two Unknown Tommy statuettes ordered from the Royal British Legion were fitted next to the Cenotaph on Wednesday2nd February by West Joinery & Building at a cost of £153 to include fitting and laying new tarmac.

Mover: J Parsons                           Seconder A Martin

Resolved: That Thrybergh Parish Council agree and accept the invoice for £153.00 from West Joinery & Building for fitting the two statues.

Police Report.

The clerk reported that the crime statistics for Thrybergh had not yet been updated so the latest figures were for December which had been reported at the February parish council meeting.

The police had attended the CAP meeting held 28ht February when it was reported that crime levels in our area were generally similar or down when compared with last year with just ASB and off-road bikes showing an increase. Off road vehicles remain a problem for Thrybergh (and across the UK) and police target resources in areas where they have received most reports of incidents so it is vital that issues are reported. Thrybergh Lane has been identified as a tipping hotspot and RMBC is looking into how this can be resolved. There was a Community Speedwatch on Oldgate Lane on Wednesday 22nd February, 1:30 to 2:30pm, with 10 vehicles checked and all were within the speed limit.

Grant Request from St Gerard's Church

The chair advised that we had received a request from St Gerard's Church for a donation towards the upkeep of the cemetery especially given the recent damage caused by the escaped animals from their Hollings Lane enclosure.

Mover: Councillor J Parsons                       Seconder: Councillor A Martin

Resolved: That the Parish Council award a donation of £500 to St Gerard's Church towards the cost of upkeep of the cemetery. Five in favour with two against so motion carried.


The following items of correspondence were made available to the parish councillors:-

YLCA White Rose Bulletins.
YLCA Training Programme
NALC Chief Executives' Bulletins.
Dalton &Thrybergh Neighbourhood Newsletter.
Neighbourhood News letter January 2023.
Civility and Respect Project- March newsletter.

Items of Report.

There were no Ward Councillor reports.

There was a Dalton, Thrybergh and East Herringthorpe CAP Monday 28th February held ni Dalton Parish Hal. tI was reported that there is a problem with bin thefts around St Leonards which are being removed, emptied and then dumped and this si being investigated. There were discussion relating to vagrancy in the area plus increasing use of nitrous oxide (especially using catering size cannisters).This is also happening throughout the Borough but there is a particular problem around Wootton Court and signs and posters warning of the danger are to be put up and distributed. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday 30th March at Dalton.

The clerk attended Rotherham Data Hub training on Monday 13ht February at 11am which included details on how to access RMBC data which is available on the internet. The clerk attended the Wednesday walkabout around the St Leonard's Avenue area on Wednesday 8th February with Ward Councillor Bennett-Sylvester, police community action and housing staff. The clerk attended the Parish Council Network Meeting at Letwell Village Hal on Tuesday 215 February, main discussion being cemeteries, legal requirements of memorials and how to manage them.

Requested by Councillors and/or AOB.

The clerk reported that the Planning Application RB2022/1884 relating to the demolishing of garages at St Leonard's Avenue and Staple Green and replacing with houses has been amended due to parking/transport issues. If there are any further issues then the clerk will revert at the April meeting. The chair advised that the agenda item originally planned for the February meeting relating to Lost Chord has been moved to the April meeting. The clerk reported that the flush on one of the ladies toilets had broken and had to be repaired as an emergency on Wednesday 22ndFebruary by West Joinery &Building.

Mover: A Martin                            Seconder T Knapton

Resolved: That Thrybergh Parish Council accept and agree to the invoice from West Joinery & Building for toilet repairs at £71.50.


PayAward to Parish Council Staff for FinancialYear2023/24.

The clerk is covered by a national agreement.

The Current rate for caretaking and street cleaning staff is £10.00 p/h with the National Minimum rate being increased from £9.50 to £10.42 from 1st April 2023. The real living rate is an independent figure currently at £10.90 but not yet updated for next year. Thrybergh Parish Council has given a commitment to achieve this rate as soon as it is possible. There was a proposal from council that the rate be increased to £10.90.

Mover: A Martin                            Seconder T Knapton

Resolved: That the Thrybergh Parish Council Rate for Staff for 2023/24 be increased to £10.90 per hour from 1st April 2022. All in favour.

Pay Award to Parish Council Bar Manager and Bar Staff for Financial Year 2023/24.

The current rates are £10.00 for bar staff and £13.00 for the bar manager.

Mover: Councillor A Martin                       Seconder: Councillor J Chambers

Resolved: That the Thrybergh Parish Council Rate for Bar Staff be increased to £10.90 per hour and that the rate for the Bar Steward be increased to €13.90 per hour from 1st April2023. All in favour.

Risks Of The Parish Council (Risk Assessment)

The clerk detailed the Financial Risk Assessment for Thrybergh Parish Council. Mover: A Martin Seconder T Knapton

Resolved: That Thrybergh Parish Council accept the Financial Risk Assessment.

AssetRegisterofThrybergh Parish Council.

The clerk detailed the Asset Register of Thrybergh Parish Council.

Mover: R Thomas Seconder A Martin Resolved: That Thrybergh Parish Council accept the Asset Register.

Bar Prices for Financial Year 2023/24.

The clerk reported that bar prices had increased in June 2022 by 30p and it had been agreed to increase by a further 30pfrom 1st January 2023 but this had not happened due to a shortage of bookings. There is a booking for March and it was decided to keep the same level for this with a 30p price increase discussed for 1° April.

Mover: J Chambers                       Seconder R Thomas

Resolved: That prices in the Thrybergh Parish Council bar be increased by 30p from 1st April 2023.

Councillors J Chambers and R Thomas then left the meeting.

Hire of Hall Charges for financial Year 2023/24.

Councillor K Endicott expressed an interest in the agenda item as he had arrived after the meeting had begun. This item was to consider the hall letting charges for 2023/24 but it was decided to defer it to the April meeting when we would have a full attendance.

Accounts For Payment.

The Council considered the schedule of accounts for payment February.

Mover: Councillor T Knapton                       Seconder: Councillor A Martin

Resolved: That the schedule of accounts for payment be approved and signed by the Chair.

To Notify The Clerk Of Matters For Inclusion On The Agenda Of The Next Meeting.

The annual parish meeting will take place on Thursday 6th April at 6:00pm.

Date Of Next Meeting

The date of the next parish council meeting will be Thursday *6 April 2023, starting at 6:30pm.

Closure of Meeting at 8:40pm.

Chairman's signature confirming the minutes are accurate

Clikc here to download Meeting Minutes 2nd March 2023